This is pretty funny.
The “Good Friday Surprise Guest” on Eddie Burke’s radio show was none other than the governor herself. Eddie Burke has the #1 rated talk show in the Anchorage area on KBYR 700AM, and is the one who called the women who attended the “Alaska Women Reject Sarah Palin” rally “a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots” and then gave out their names and home phone numbers on the air, resulting in threatening phone calls. Who could have imagined THAT would happen.
But here is a transcript of most of the interview he had with the governor on Friday. This part came after he pretended to be surprised it was her, and like he had no idea who this “surprise guest” was going to be. I give him a C- for that performance.
The Mutual Word Salad Admiration Society
SP: I’m doing fine, and you’re doing very fine with your ratings and everything else. Congratulations!
EB: Well, thank you so much Governor. It’s an honor to hear from you. I really mean that, you know. I’m a big fan of yours, and I just…I’m not just a fan, I…really, I agree with what you’re doing and it’s been a long time since I’ve ever been this, um, I don’t know, happy about an elected leader like yourself.
SP: I appreciate that very much. Well, lots going on in Juneau so I wanted to call and touch base. But I did want to kick off the conversation congratulating you, Eddie. Your work ethic, and just the way you’re putting everything together on the show that so many Alaskans are appreciating, so congratulations on that, that appreciation being made manifest with your ratings.
EB: Well, thank you so much. It has been, it’s been pretty humble, and I you know I think the listeners out there as you know I know, you thank the voters in a way for our high ratings and being number one in the afternoon, so I appreciate that Governor for recognizing.
Who gets the Word Salad Award on this exchange? Sarah’s the defending champion. She’s proven herself over and over… but Burke’s response, especially that last part was pretty impressive. I think the judges are going to have to give this one a tie.
<snip> - much more covering all the issues