U.S. SENATE: Fink, Alaska Right to Life will support candidate.
Anchorage Daily News
(Published: April 29, 2004)
Two endorsements Wednesday boosted U.S. Senate candidate Mike Miller in his bid for the Republican nomination: former Anchorage Mayor Tom Fink joined his campaign as state chairman, and Alaska Right to Life announced that its board voted unanimously to support him.
At a press conference in Anchorage where he was flanked by Fink and two Alaska Right to Life officials, Miller said their support, along with that of former Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin, who endorsed him earlier, "carries a lot of weight with Republicans throughout the state."
Miller is facing Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Aug. 24 Republican primary. He acknowledged he would be outspent by Murkowski, whom he called the "establishment" candidate, but vowed he would not be outworked.
Justin Stiefel, Murkowski's campaign manager, said neither endorsement was a surprise.