Get your rocks and sticks and slings and arrows ready now... :)
I am one of the, what was it, 17% that voted in favor of hitting the fund to pay for government when this came up a few years back. I'll duck now while people throw things at me :)
This was my thinking at the time (and still is). I think we've eliminated about all the "waste" (and a lot that isn't waste) that can be eliminated from the budget. Plus, one man's "waste" is another man's "vital and needed program" which keeps the budget process highly political. We reached a point where telling state government to spend less is like telling a junkie to use less heroin, it might be a great idea, but it isn't likely to happen.
So, who pays for state government?
Now I'm about to confess to a grievous sin, the sin of selfishness. I'm self employed and make a decent, but by no means extravagant, living. Between FITW, Social Sec, Med, and self employment taxes I am already taking 40% of every dollar I make and sending it off to the federal government. Also, I live in the Fairbanks North Star Borough and pay what I think are insanely high property taxes (our mil rate is about 19). At the risk of sounding greedy and Republican, I feel like I'm being bleed dry now!
So who pays for state government? With a state income tax I will! The very poor will pay nothing (and thats probably fair) and the very rich will pay nothing because in this state they'll play the legislature like a violin and loophole the hell out of the tax code. Who does that leave to pay? Me and you brother, me and you...
At least by letting the state hit the Fund, we can create a situation where every Alaskan bleeds a little, rather than a situation where you and me bleed a lot!
Thats my thinking anyway, but by no means am I convinced I have the best answer here. I stand ready to have my mind changed :)