As usual, I've not gotten even an auto response from either Stevens or Murkowski, but did receive a reply today from Don Young, which follows below. Since he acknowledges that he's split between the two different elements of the bill, it looks as though he might be voting against it. I recommend that any who have not contact our Senators and Don Young to do so.
H.R. 1070 - Constitution Restoration Act of
2005> (text)
The Senate bill is S. 520Thank you for contacting my office regarding H.R. 1070, the Constitutional Restoration Act. I value your comments and concerns on this issue.
As you may know, the Constitutional Restoration Act acknowledges the
right of government officials to recognize God as the source of law,
liberty, and government. This act limits the authority of federal judges to make decisions regarding religious expression and also limits the jurisdiction of federal courts to intervene in state court rulings that allow the "acknowledgement of God."
The second major purpose of the Act is to prohibit any U.S. court from
relying upon any law, policy, or other action of a foreign state or
international organization when interpreting and applying the
Although I support the second goal of the Constitution Restoration Act, I cannot approve this legislation in entirety. I believe that the first section of this bill, as mentioned above, would allow the breakdown of the line between the separation of church and state. This act would remove the necessary restrictions that prevent state-sponsored favoritism toward particular religions. Nonetheless, I support the second objective, which seeks to prevent U.S. judges from citing foreign policy in determining legal cases.
Currently, the House Judiciary Committee is considering the
Constitutional Restoration Act of 2005. Unfortunately, I do not sit on this committee, but should this legislation make it to the House floor I will be sure to keep your views in mind.
Once again, I appreciate hearing from you on this matter. Please feel
free to contact my office in the future regarding this, or any other
issue, as I always welcome feedback from my Alaskan constituents.
Congressman for All Alaska