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LdyGuique (610 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Sat Apr-30-05 01:03 PM Original message |
H.R. 6 -- Energy Policy Act of 2005 -- Alaskan provisions |
On April 21, 2005, the House pass H.R. 6 (which goes to the Senate) for the "Energy Policy Act of 2005," a bill that was introduced into the 108th Congress.
Alaska plays heavily in the overall policy, and not only for ANWR. There are also provisions for the Low Income Community Efficienty Pilot Program and the Natural Gas Pipeline. The following is the bill's language specific to provisions that are "Alaskan" in nature -- or use the link above and go and read the entire bill. SEC. 11025. LOW INCOME COMMUNITY ENERGY EFFICIENCY PILOT PROGRAM. (a) GRANTS- The Secretary of Energy is authorized to make grants to units of local government, private, non-profit community development organizations, and Indian tribe economic development entities to improve energy efficiency, identify and develop alternative renewable and distributed energy supplies, and increase energy conservation in low income rural and urban communities. (b) PURPOSE OF GRANTS- The Secretary may make grants on a competitive basis for-- (1) investments that develop alternative renewable and distributed energy supplies; (2) energy efficiency projects and energy conservation programs; (3) studies and other activities that improve energy efficiency in low income rural and urban communities; (4) planning and development assistance for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and facilities; and (5) technical and financial assistance to local government and private entities on developing new renewable and distributed sources of power or combined heat and power generation. (c) DEFINITION- For purposes of this section, the term `Indian tribe' means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaskan Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians. (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- For the purposes of this section there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Energy $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2004 and each fiscal year thereafter through fiscal year 2006. Subtitle A--Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline SEC. 12001. SHORT TITLE. This subtitle may be cited as the `Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act of 2003'. SEC. 12002. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES. (a) FINDINGS- Congress finds the following: (1) Construction of a natural gas pipeline system from the Alaskan North Slope to United States markets is in the national interest and will enhance national energy security by providing access to the significant gas reserves in Alaska needed to meet the anticipated demand for natural gas. (2) The Commission issued a conditional certificate of public convenience and necessity for the Alaska natural gas transportation system, which remains in effect. (b) PURPOSES- The purposes of this subtitle are as follows: (1) To provide a statutory framework for the expedited approval, construction, and initial operation of an Alaska natural gas transportation project, as an alternative to the framework provided in the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 719 et seq.), which remains in effect. (2) To establish a process for providing access to such transportation project in order to promote competition in the exploration, development, and production of Alaska natural gas. (3) To clarify Federal authorities under the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976. SEC. 12003. DEFINITIONS. In this subtitle, the following definitions apply: (1) ALASKA NATURAL GAS- The term `Alaska natural gas' means natural gas derived from the area of the State of Alaska lying north of 64 degrees North latitude. (2) ALASKA NATURAL GAS TRANSPORTATION PROJECT- The term `Alaska natural gas transportation project' means any natural gas pipeline system that carries Alaska natural gas to the border between Alaska and Canada (including related facilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission) that is authorized under either-- (A) the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 719 et seq.); or (B) section 12004. (3) ALASKA NATURAL GAS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM- The term `Alaska natural gas transportation system' means the Alaska natural gas transportation project authorized under the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 and designated and described in section 2 of the President's decision. (4) COMMISSION- The term `Commission' means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. (5) PRESIDENT'S DECISION- The term `President's decision' means the decision and report to Congress on the Alaska natural gas transportation system issued by the President on September 22, 1977, pursuant to section 7 of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 719e) and approved by Public Law 95-158 (91 Stat. 1268). SEC. 12004. ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. (a) AUTHORITY OF THE COMMISSION- Notwithstanding the provisions of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 719 et seq.), the Commission may, pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717f(c)), consider and act on an application for the issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing the construction and operation of an Alaska natural gas transportation project other than the Alaska natural gas transportation system. (b) ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE- (1) IN GENERAL- The Commission shall issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing the construction and operation of an Alaska natural gas transportation project under this section if the applicant has satisfied the requirements of section 7(e) of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717f(e)). (2) CONSIDERATIONS- In considering an application under this section, the Commission shall presume that-- (A) a public need exists to construct and operate the proposed Alaska natural gas transportation project; and (B) sufficient downstream capacity will exist to transport the Alaska natural gas moving through such project to markets in the contiguous United States. (c) EXPEDITED APPROVAL PROCESS- The Commission shall issue a final order granting or denying any application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717f(c)) and this section not more than 60 days after the issuance of the final environmental impact statement for that project pursuant to section 12005. (d) PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN PIPELINE ROUTE- No license, permit, lease, right-of-way, authorization, or other approval required under Federal law for the construction of any pipeline to transport natural gas from lands within the Prudhoe Bay oil and gas lease area may be granted for any pipeline that follows a route that traverses-- (1) the submerged lands (as defined by the Submerged Lands Act) beneath, or the adjacent shoreline of, the Beaufort Sea; and (2) enters Canada at any point north of 68 degrees North latitude. (e) OPEN SEASON- Except where an expansion is ordered pursuant to section 12006, initial or expansion capacity on any Alaska natural gas transportation project shall be allocated in accordance with procedures to be established by the Commission in regulations governing the conduct of open seasons for such project. Such procedures shall include the criteria for and timing of any open seasons, be consistent with the purposes set forth in section 12002(b)(2), and, for any open season for capacity beyond the initial capacity, provide the opportunity for the transportation of natural gas other than from the Prudhoe Bay and Point Thompson units. The Commission shall issue such regulations not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act. (f) PROJECTS IN THE CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES- Applications for additional or expanded pipeline facilities that may be required to transport Alaska natural gas from Canada to markets in the contiguous United States may be made pursuant to the Natural Gas Act. To the extent such pipeline facilities include the expansion of any facility constructed pursuant to the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976, the provisions of that Act shall continue to apply. (g) STUDY OF IN-STATE NEEDS- The holder of the certificate of public convenience and necessity issued, modified, or amended by the Commission for an Alaska natural gas transportation project shall demonstrate that it has conducted a study of Alaska in-State needs, including tie-in points along the Alaska natural gas transportation project for in-State access. (h) ALASKA ROYALTY GAS- The Commission, upon the request of the State of Alaska and after a hearing, may provide for reasonable access to the Alaska natural gas transportation project for the State of Alaska or its designee for the transportation of the State's royalty gas for local consumption needs within the State; except that the rates of existing shippers of subscribed capacity on such project shall not be increased as a result of such access. (i) REGULATIONS- The Commission may issue regulations to carry out the provisions of this section. SEC. 12005. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS. (a) COMPLIANCE WITH NEPA- The issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing the construction and operation of any Alaska natural gas transportation project under section 12004 shall be treated as a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) DESIGNATION OF LEAD AGENCY- The Commission shall be the lead agency for purposes of complying with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, and shall be responsible for preparing the statement required by section 102(2)(c) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) with respect to an Alaska natural gas transportation project under section 12004. The Commission shall prepare a single environmental statement under this section, which shall consolidate the environmental reviews of all Federal agencies considering any aspect of the project. (c) OTHER AGENCIES- All Federal agencies considering aspects of the construction and operation of an Alaska natural gas transportation project under section 12004 shall cooperate with the Commission, and shall comply with deadlines established by the Commission in the preparation of the statement under this section. The statement prepared under this section shall be used by all such agencies to satisfy their responsibilities under section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)) with respect to such project. (d) EXPEDITED PROCESS- The Commission shall issue a draft statement under this section not later than 12 months after the Commission determines the application to be complete and shall issue the final statement not later than 6 months after the Commission issues the draft statement, unless the Commission for good cause finds that additional time is needed. SEC. 12006. PIPELINE EXPANSION. (a) AUTHORITY- With respect to any Alaska natural gas transportation project, upon the request of one or more persons and after giving notice and an opportunity for a hearing, the Commission may order the expansion of such project if it determines that such expansion is required by the present and future public convenience and necessity. (b) REQUIREMENTS- Before ordering an expansion, the Commission shall-- (1) approve or establish rates for the expansion service that are designed to ensure the recovery, on an incremental or rolled-in basis, of the cost associated with the expansion (including a reasonable rate of return on investment); (2) ensure that the rates as established do not require existing shippers on the Alaska natural gas transportation project to subsidize expansion shippers; (3) find that the proposed shipper will comply with, and the proposed expansion and the expansion of service will be undertaken and implemented based on, terms and conditions consistent with the then-effective tariff of the Alaska natural gas transportation project; (4) find that the proposed facilities will not adversely affect the financial or economic viability of the Alaska natural gas transportation project; (5) find that the proposed facilities will not adversely affect the overall operations of the Alaska natural gas transportation project; (6) find that the proposed facilities will not diminish the contract rights of existing shippers to previously subscribed certificated capacity; (7) ensure that all necessary environmental reviews have been completed; and (8) find that adequate downstream facilities exist or are expected to exist to deliver incremental Alaska natural gas to market. (c) REQUIREMENT FOR A FIRM TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT- Any order of the Commission issued pursuant to this section shall be null and void unless the person or persons requesting the order executes a firm transportation agreement with the Alaska natural gas transportation project within a reasonable period of time as specified in such order. (d) LIMITATION- Nothing in this section shall be construed to expand or otherwise affect any authorities of the Commission with respect to any natural gas pipeline located outside the State of Alaska. (e) REGULATIONS- The Commission may issue regulations to carry out the provisions of this section. SEC. 12007. FEDERAL COORDINATOR. (a) ESTABLISHMENT- There is established, as an independent office in the executive branch, the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects. (b) FEDERAL COORDINATOR- The Office shall be headed by a Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, who shall-- (1) be appointed by the President, by and with the advice of the Senate; (2) hold office at the pleasure of the President; and (3) be compensated at the rate prescribed for level III of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5314). (c) DUTIES- The Federal Coordinator shall be responsible for-- (1) coordinating the expeditious discharge of all activities by Federal agencies with respect to an Alaska natural gas transportation project; and (2) ensuring the compliance of Federal agencies with the provisions of this subtitle. (d) REVIEWS AND ACTIONS OF OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES- (1) EXPEDITED REVIEWS AND ACTIONS- All reviews conducted and actions taken by any Federal officer or agency relating to an Alaska natural gas transportation project authorized under this section shall be expedited, in a manner consistent with completion of the necessary reviews and approvals by the deadlines set forth in this subtitle. (2) PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS- Except with respect to Commission actions under sections 12004, 12005, and 12006, no Federal officer or agency shall have the authority to include terms and conditions that are permitted, but not required, by law on any certificate, right-of-way, permit, lease, or other authorization issued to an Alaska natural gas transportation project if the Federal Coordinator determines that the terms and conditions would prevent or impair in any significant respect the expeditious construction and operation of the project. (3) PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN ACTIONS- Except with respect to Commission actions under sections 12004, 12005, and 12006, unless required by law, no Federal officer or agency shall add to, amend, or abrogate any certificate, right-of-way, permit, lease, or other authorization issued to an Alaska natural gas transportation project if the Federal Coordinator determines that such action would prevent or impair in any significant respect the expeditious construction and operation of the project. (e) STATE COORDINATION- The Federal Coordinator shall enter into a Joint Surveillance and Monitoring Agreement, approved by the President and the Governor of Alaska, with the State of Alaska similar to that in effect during construction of the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline to monitor the construction of the Alaska natural gas transportation project. The Federal Government shall have primary surveillance and monitoring responsibility where the Alaska natural gas transportation project crosses Federal lands and private lands, and the State government shall have primary surveillance and monitoring responsibility where the Alaska natural gas transportation project crosses State lands. (f) TRANSFER OF FEDERAL INSPECTOR FUNCTIONS AND AUTHORITY- Upon appointment of the Federal Coordinator by the President, all of the functions and authority of the Office of Federal Inspector of Construction for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System vested in the Secretary of Energy pursuant to section 3012(b) of Public Law 102-486 (15 U.S.C. 719e(b)), including all functions and authority described and enumerated in the Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1979 (44 Fed. Reg. 33,663), Executive Order No. 12142 of June 21, 1979 (44 Fed. Reg. 36,927), and section 5 of the President's decision, shall be transferred to the Federal Coordinator. SEC. 12008. JUDICIAL REVIEW. (a) EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION- Except for review by the Supreme Court of the United States on writ of certiorari, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to determine-- (1) the validity of any final order or action (including a failure to act) of any Federal agency or officer under this subtitle; (2) the constitutionality of any provision of this subtitle, or any decision made or action taken under this subtitle; or (3) the adequacy of any environmental impact statement prepared under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 with respect to any action under this subtitle. (b) DEADLINE FOR FILING CLAIM- Claims arising under this subtitle may be brought not later than 60 days after the date of the decision or action giving rise to the claim. (c) EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION- The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit shall set any action brought under subsection (a) for expedited consideration, taking into account the national interest as described in section 12002(a). (d) AMENDMENT TO ANGTA- Section 10(c) of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 719h) is amended by inserting after paragraph (1) the following: `(2) The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit shall set any action brought under this section for expedited consideration, taking into account the national interest described in section 2.'. SEC. 12009. STATE JURISDICTION OVER IN-STATE DELIVERY OF NATURAL GAS. (a) LOCAL DISTRIBUTION- Any facility receiving natural gas from the Alaska natural gas transportation project for delivery to consumers within the State of Alaska shall be deemed to be a local distribution facility within the meaning of section 1(b) of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717(b)), and therefore not subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. (b) ADDITIONAL PIPELINES- Nothing in this subtitle, except as provided in section 12004(d), shall preclude or affect a future gas pipeline that may be constructed to deliver natural gas to Fairbanks, Anchorage, Matanuska-Susitna Valley, or the Kenai peninsula or Valdez or any other site in the State of Alaska for consumption within or distribution outside the State of Alaska. (c) RATE COORDINATION- Pursuant to the Natural Gas Act, the Commission shall establish rates for the transportation of natural gas on the Alaska natural gas transportation project. In exercising such authority, the Commission, pursuant to section 17(b) of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717p(b)), shall confer with the State of Alaska regarding rates (including rate settlements) applicable to natural gas transported on and delivered from the Alaska natural gas transportation project for use within the State of Alaska. SEC. 12010. STUDY OF ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF CONSTRUCTION. (a) REQUIREMENT OF STUDY- If no application for the issuance of a certificate or amended certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing the construction and operation of an Alaska natural gas transportation project has been filed with the Commission not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Energy shall conduct a study of alternative approaches to the construction and operation of the project. (b) SCOPE OF STUDY- The study shall consider the feasibility of establishing a Government corporation to construct an Alaska natural gas transportation project, and alternative means of providing Federal financing and ownership (including alternative combinations of Government and private corporate ownership) of the project. (c) CONSULTATION- In conducting the study, the Secretary of Energy shall consult with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Army (acting through the Commanding General of the Corps of Engineers). (d) REPORT- If the Secretary of Energy is required to conduct a study under subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit a report containing the results of the study, the Secretary's recommendations, and any proposals for legislation to implement the Secretary's recommendations to Congress. SEC. 12011. CLARIFICATION OF ANGTA STATUS AND AUTHORITIES. (a) SAVINGS CLAUSE- Nothing in this subtitle affects any decision, certificate, permit, right-of-way, lease, or other authorization issued under section 9 of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 719g) or any Presidential findings or waivers issued in accordance with that Act. (b) CLARIFICATION OF AUTHORITY TO AMEND TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO MEET CURRENT PROJECT REQUIREMENTS- Any Federal officer or agency responsible for granting or issuing any certificate, permit, right-of-way, lease, or other authorization under section 9 of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (15 U.S.C. 719g) may add to, amend, or abrogate any term or condition included in such certificate, permit, right-of-way, lease, or other authorization to meet current project requirements (including the physical design, facilities, and tariff specifications), so long as such action does not compel a change in the basic nature and general route of the Alaska natural gas transportation system as designated and described in section 2 of the President's decision, or would otherwise prevent or impair in any significant respect the expeditious construction and initial operation of such transportation system. (c) UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS- The Secretary of Energy shall require the sponsor of the Alaska natural gas transportation system to submit such updated environmental data, reports, permits, and impact analyses as the Secretary determines are necessary to develop detailed terms, conditions, and compliance plans required by section 5 of the President's decision. SEC. 12012. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that an Alaska natural gas transportation project will provide significant economic benefits to the United States and Canada. In order to maximize those benefits, Congress urges the sponsors of the pipeline project to make every effort to use steel that is manufactured or produced in North America and to negotiate a project labor agreement to expedite construction of the pipeline. SEC. 12013. PARTICIPATION OF SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS. (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS- It is the sense of Congress that an Alaska natural gas transportation project will provide significant economic benefits to the United States and Canada. In order to maximize those benefits, Congress urges the sponsors of the pipeline project to maximize the participation of small business concerns in contracts and subcontracts awarded in carrying out the project. (b) STUDY- (1) IN GENERAL- The Comptroller General shall conduct a study on the extent to which small business concerns participate in the construction of oil and gas pipelines in the United States. (2) REPORT- Not later that 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General shall transmit to Congress a report containing the results of the study. (3) UPDATES- The Comptroller General shall update the study at least once every 5 years and transmit to Congress a report containing the results of the update. (4) APPLICABILITY- After the date of completion of the construction of an Alaska natural gas transportation project, this subsection shall no longer apply. (c) SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN DEFINED- In this section, the term `small business concern' has the meaning given such term in section 3(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(a)). SEC. 12014. ALASKA PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION TRAINING PROGRAM. (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM- The Secretary of Labor (in this section referred to as the `Secretary') may make grants to the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development to-- (1) develop a plan to train, through the workforce investment system established in the State of Alaska under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 936 et seq.), adult and dislocated workers, including Alaska Natives, in urban and rural Alaska in the skills required to construct and operate an Alaska gas pipeline system; and (2) implement the plan developed pursuant to paragraph (1). (b) REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANNING GRANTS- The Secretary may make a grant under subsection (a)(1) only if-- (1) the Governor of Alaska certifies in writing to the Secretary that there is a reasonable expectation that construction of an Alaska gas pipeline will commence within 3 years after the date of such certification; and (2) the Secretary of the Interior concurs in writing to the Secretary with the certification made under paragraph (1). (c) REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION GRANTS- The Secretary may make a grant under subsection (a)(2) only if-- (1) the Secretary has approved a plan developed pursuant to subsection (a)(1); (2) the Governor of Alaska requests the grant funds and certifies in writing to the Secretary that there is a reasonable expectation that the construction of an Alaska gas pipeline system will commence within 2 years after the date of such certification; (3) the Secretary of the Interior concurs in writing to the Secretary with the certification made under paragraph (2) after considering-- (A) the status of necessary State and Federal permits; (B) the availability of financing for the pipeline project; and (C) other relevant factors and circumstances. (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Labor such sums as may be necessary, but not to exceed $20,000,000, to carry out this section. SEC. 30412. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IMPACT AID AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ASSISTANCE. (a) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AUTHORIZED- (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary may use amounts available from the Coastal Plain Local Government Impact Aid Assistance Fund established by subsection (d) to provide timely financial assistance to entities that are eligible under paragraph (2) and that are directly impacted by the exploration for or production of oil and gas on the Coastal Plain under this title. (2) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES- The North Slope Borough, Kaktovik, and other boroughs, municipal subdivisions, villages, and any other community organized under Alaska State law shall be eligible for financial assistance under this section. (b) USE OF ASSISTANCE- Financial assistance under this section may be used only for-- (1) planning for mitigation of the potential effects of oil and gas exploration and development on environmental, social, cultural, recreational and subsistence values; (2) implementing mitigation plans and maintaining mitigation projects; (3) developing, carrying out, and maintaining projects and programs that provide new or expanded public facilities and services to address needs and problems associated with such effects, including firefighting, police, water, waste treatment, medivac, and medical services; and (4) establishment of a coordination office, by the North Slope Borough, in the City of Kaktovik, which shall-- (A) coordinate with and advise developers on local conditions, impact, and history of the areas utilized for development; and (B) provide to the Committee on Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Resources of the Senate an annual report on the status of coordination between developers and the communities affected by development. (c) APPLICATION- (1) IN GENERAL- Any community that is eligible for assistance under this section may submit an application for such assistance to the Secretary, in such form and under such procedures as the Secretary may prescribe by regulation. (2) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH COMMUNITIES- A community located in the North Slope Borough may apply for assistance under this section either directly to the Secretary or through the North Slope Borough. (3) APPLICATION ASSISTANCE- The Secretary shall work closely with and assist the North Slope Borough and other communities eligible for assistance under this section in developing and submitting applications for assistance under this section. (d) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND- (1) IN GENERAL- There is established in the Treasury the Coastal Plain Local Government Impact Aid Assistance Fund. (2) USE- Amounts in the fund may be used only for providing financial assistance under this section. (3) DEPOSITS- Subject to paragraph (4), there shall be deposited into the fund amounts received by the United States as revenues derived from rents, bonuses, and royalties under on leases and lease sales authorized under this title. (4) LIMITATION ON DEPOSITS- The total amount in the fund may not exceed $11,000,000. (5) INVESTMENT OF BALANCES- The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest amounts in the fund in interest bearing government securities. (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- To provide financial assistance under this section there is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary from the Coastal Plain Local Government Impact Aid Assistance Fund $5,000,000 for each fiscal year. TITLE IV--ARCTIC COASTAL PLAIN DOMESTIC ENERGY SEC. 30401. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the `Arctic Coastal Plain Domestic Energy Security Act of 2003'. SEC. 30402. DEFINITIONS. In this title: (1) COASTAL PLAIN- The term `Coastal Plain' means that area identified as such in the map entitled `Arctic National Wildlife Refuge', dated August 1980, as referenced in section 1002(b) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (16 U.S.C. 3142(b)(1)), comprising approximately 1,549,000 acres, and as described in appendix I to part 37 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations. (2) SECRETARY- The term `Secretary', except as otherwise provided, means the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary's designee. SEC. 30403. LEASING PROGRAM FOR LANDS WITHIN THE COASTAL PLAIN. (a) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall take such actions as are necessary-- (1) to establish and implement in accordance with this Act a competitive oil and gas leasing program under the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) that will result in an environmentally sound program for the exploration, development, and production of the oil and gas resources of the Coastal Plain; and (2) to administer the provisions of this title through regulations, lease terms, conditions, restrictions, prohibitions, stipulations, and other provisions that ensure the oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities on the Coastal Plain will result in no significant adverse effect on fish and wildlife, their habitat, subsistence resources, and the environment, and including, in furtherance of this goal, by requiring the application of the best commercially available technology for oil and gas exploration, development, and production to all exploration, development, and production operations under this title in a manner that ensures the receipt of fair market value by the public for the mineral resources to be leased. (b) REPEAL- Section 1003 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (16 U.S.C. 3143) is repealed. (c) COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS UNDER CERTAIN OTHER LAWS- (1) COMPATIBILITY- For purposes of the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, the oil and gas leasing program and activities authorized by this section in the Coastal Plain are deemed to be compatible with the purposes for which the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was established, and that no further findings or decisions are required to implement this determination. (2) ADEQUACY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR'S LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT- The `Final Legislative Environmental Impact Statement' (April 1987) on the Coastal Plain prepared pursuant to section 1002 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (16 U.S.C. 3142) and section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)) is deemed to satisfy the requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 that apply with respect to actions authorized to be taken by the Secretary to develop and promulgate the regulations for the establishment of a leasing program authorized by this title before the conduct of the first lease sale. (3) COMPLIANCE WITH NEPA FOR OTHER ACTIONS- Before conducting the first lease sale under this title, the Secretary shall prepare an environmental impact statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 with respect to the actions authorized by this title that are not referred to in paragraph (2). Notwithstanding any other law, the Secretary is not required to identify nonleasing alternative courses of action or to analyze the environmental effects of such courses of action. The Secretary shall only identify a preferred action for such leasing and a single leasing alternative, and analyze the environmental effects and potential mitigation measures for those two alternatives. The identification of the preferred action and related analysis for the first lease sale under this title shall be completed within 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act. The Secretary shall only consider public comments that specifically address the Secretary's preferred action and that are filed within 20 days after publication of an environmental analysis. Notwithstanding any other law, compliance with this paragraph is deemed to satisfy all requirements for the analysis and consideration of the environmental effects of proposed leasing under this title. (d) RELATIONSHIP TO STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITY- Nothing in this title shall be considered to expand or limit State and local regulatory authority. (e) SPECIAL AREAS- (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary, after consultation with the State of Alaska, the city of Kaktovik, and the North Slope Borough, may designate up to a total of 45,000 acres of the Coastal Plain as a Special Area if the Secretary determines that the Special Area is of such unique character and interest so as to require special management and regulatory protection. The Secretary shall designate as such a Special Area the Sadlerochit Spring area, comprising approximately 4,000 acres as depicted on the map referred to in section 402(1). (2) MANAGEMENT- Each such Special Area shall be managed so as to protect and preserve the area's unique and diverse character including its fish, wildlife, and subsistence resource values. (3) EXCLUSION FROM LEASING OR SURFACE OCCUPANCY- The Secretary may exclude any Special Area from leasing. If the Secretary leases a Special Area, or any part thereof, for purposes of oil and gas exploration, development, production, and related activities, there shall be no surface occupancy of the lands comprising the Special Area. (4) DIRECTIONAL DRILLING- Notwithstanding the other provisions of this subsection, the Secretary may lease all or a portion of a Special Area under terms that permit the use of horizontal drilling technology from sites on leases located outside the area. (f) LIMITATION ON CLOSED AREAS- The Secretary's sole authority to close lands within the Coastal Plain to oil and gas leasing and to exploration, development, and production is that set forth in this title. (g) REGULATIONS- (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out this title, including rules and regulations relating to protection of the fish and wildlife, their habitat, subsistence resources, and environment of the Coastal Plain, by no later than 15 months after the date of the enactment of this Act. (2) REVISION OF REGULATIONS- The Secretary shall periodically review and, if appropriate, revise the rules and regulations issued under subsection (a) to reflect any significant biological, environmental, or engineering data that come to the Secretary's attention. SEC. 30404. LEASE SALES. (a) IN GENERAL- Lands may be leased pursuant to this title to any person qualified to obtain a lease for deposits of oil and gas under the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.). (b) PROCEDURES- The Secretary shall, by regulation, establish procedures for-- (1) receipt and consideration of sealed nominations for any area in the Coastal Plain for inclusion in, or exclusion (as provided in subsection (c)) from, a lease sale; (2) the holding of lease sales after such nomination process; and (3) public notice of and comment on designation of areas to be included in, or excluded from, a lease sale. (c) LEASE SALE BIDS- Bidding for leases under this title shall be by sealed competitive cash bonus bids. (d) ACREAGE MINIMUM IN FIRST SALE- In the first lease sale under this title, the Secretary shall offer for lease those tracts the Secretary considers to have the greatest potential for the discovery of hydrocarbons, taking into consideration nominations received pursuant to subsection (b)(1), but in no case less than 200,000 acres. (e) TIMING OF LEASE SALES- The Secretary shall-- (1) conduct the first lease sale under this title within 22 months after the date of the enactment of this Act; and (2) conduct additional sales so long as sufficient interest in development exists to warrant, in the Secretary's judgment, the conduct of such sales. SEC. 30405. GRANT OF LEASES BY THE SECRETARY. (a) IN GENERAL- The Secretary may grant to the highest responsible qualified bidder in a lease sale conducted pursuant to section 30404 any lands to be leased on the Coastal Plain upon payment by the lessee of such bonus as may be accepted by the Secretary. (b) SUBSEQUENT TRANSFERS- No lease issued under this title may be sold, exchanged, assigned, sublet, or otherwise transferred except with the approval of the Secretary. Prior to any such approval the Secretary shall consult with, and give due consideration to the views of, the Attorney General. SEC. 30406. LEASE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. (a) IN GENERAL- An oil or gas lease issued pursuant to this title shall-- (1) provide for the payment of a royalty of not less than 12 1/2 percent in amount or value of the production removed or sold from the lease, as determined by the Secretary under the regulations applicable to other Federal oil and gas leases; (2) provide that the Secretary may close, on a seasonal basis, portions of the Coastal Plain to exploratory drilling activities as necessary to protect caribou calving areas and other species of fish and wildlife; (3) require that the lessee of lands within the Coastal Plain shall be fully responsible and liable for the reclamation of lands within the Coastal Plain and any other Federal lands that are adversely affected in connection with exploration, development, production, or transportation activities conducted under the lease and within the Coastal Plain by the lessee or by any of the subcontractors or agents of the lessee; (4) provide that the lessee may not delegate or convey, by contract or otherwise, the reclamation responsibility and liability to another person without the express written approval of the Secretary; (5) provide that the standard of reclamation for lands required to be reclaimed under this title shall be, as nearly as practicable, a condition capable of supporting the uses which the lands were capable of supporting prior to any exploration, development, or production activities, or upon application by the lessee, to a higher or better use as approved by the Secretary; (6) contain terms and conditions relating to protection of fish and wildlife, their habitat, and the environment as required pursuant to section 30403(a)(2); (7) provide that the lessee, its agents, and its contractors use best efforts to provide a fair share, as determined by the level of obligation previously agreed to in the 1974 agreement implementing section 29 of the Federal Agreement and Grant of Right of Way for the Operation of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, of employment and contracting for Alaska Natives and Alaska Native Corporations from throughout the State; (8) prohibit the export of oil produced under the lease; and (9) contain such other provisions as the Secretary determines necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this title and the regulations issued under this title. (b) PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENTS- The Secretary, as a term and condition of each lease under this title and in recognizing the Government's proprietary interest in labor stability and in the ability of construction labor and management to meet the particular needs and conditions of projects to be developed under the leases issued pursuant to this title and the special concerns of the parties to such leases, shall require that the lessee and its agents and contractors negotiate to obtain a project labor agreement for the employment of laborers and mechanics on production, maintenance, and construction under the lease. SEC. 30407. COASTAL PLAIN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. (a) NO SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EFFECT STANDARD TO GOVERN AUTHORIZED COASTAL PLAIN ACTIVITIES- The Secretary shall, consistent with the requirements of section 30403, administer the provisions of this title through regulations, lease terms, conditions, restrictions, prohibitions, stipulations, and other provisions that-- (1) ensure the oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities on the Coastal Plain will result in no significant adverse effect on fish and wildlife, their habitat, and the environment; (2) require the application of the best commercially available technology for oil and gas exploration, development, and production on all new exploration, development, and production operations; and (3) ensure that the maximum amount of surface acreage covered by production and support facilities, including airstrips and any areas covered by gravel berms or piers for support of pipelines, does not exceed 2,000 acres on the Coastal Plain. (b) SITE-SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION- The Secretary shall also require, with respect to any proposed drilling and related activities, that-- (1) a site-specific analysis be made of the probable effects, if any, that the drilling or related activities will have on fish and wildlife, their habitat, and the environment; (2) a plan be implemented to avoid, minimize, and mitigate (in that order and to the extent practicable) any significant adverse effect identified under paragraph (1); and (3) the development of the plan shall occur after consultation with the agency or agencies having jurisdiction over matters mitigated by the plan. (c) REGULATIONS TO PROTECT COASTAL PLAIN FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES, SUBSISTENCE USERS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT- Before implementing the leasing program authorized by this title, the Secretary shall prepare and promulgate regulations, lease terms, conditions, restrictions, prohibitions, stipulations, and other measures designed to ensure that the activities undertaken on the Coastal Plain under this title are conducted in a manner consistent with the purposes and environmental requirements of this title. (d) COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL AND STATE ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS- The proposed regulations, lease terms, conditions, restrictions, prohibitions, and stipulations for the leasing program under this title shall require compliance with all applicable provisions of Federal and State environmental law and shall also require the following: (1) Standards at least as effective as the safety and environmental mitigation measures set forth in items 1 through 29 at pages 167 through 169 of the `Final Legislative Environmental Impact Statement' (April 1987) on the Coastal Plain. (2) Seasonal limitations on exploration, development, and related activities, where necessary, to avoid significant adverse effects during periods of concentrated fish and wildlife breeding, denning, nesting, spawning, and migration. (3) That exploration activities, except for surface geological studies, be limited to the period between approximately November 1 and May 1 each year and that exploration activities shall be supported by ice roads, winter trails with adequate snow cover, ice pads, ice airstrips, and air transport methods, except that such exploration activities may occur at other times, if the Secretary finds that such exploration will have no significant adverse effect on the fish and wildlife, their habitat, and the environment of the Coastal Plain. (4) Design safety and construction standards for all pipelines and any access and service roads, that-- (A) minimize, to the maximum extent possible, adverse effects upon the passage of migratory species such as caribou; and (B) minimize adverse effects upon the flow of surface water by requiring the use of culverts, bridges, and other structural devices. (5) Prohibitions on public access and use on all pipeline access and service roads. (6) Stringent reclamation and rehabilitation requirements, consistent with the standards set forth in this title, requiring the removal from the Coastal Plain of all oil and gas development and production facilities, structures, and equipment upon completion of oil and gas production operations, except that the Secretary may exempt from the requirements of this paragraph those facilities, structures, or equipment that the Secretary determines would assist in the management of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and that are donated to the United States for that purpose. (7) Appropriate prohibitions or restrictions on access by all modes of transportation. (8) Appropriate prohibitions or restrictions on sand and gravel extraction. (9) Consolidation of facility siting. (10) Appropriate prohibitions or restrictions on use of explosives. (11) Avoidance, to the extent practicable, of springs, streams, and river system; the protection of natural surface drainage patterns, wetlands, and riparian habitats; and the regulation of methods or techniques for developing or transporting adequate supplies of water for exploratory drilling. (12) Avoidance or reduction of air traffic-related disturbance to fish and wildlife. (13) Treatment and disposal of hazardous and toxic wastes, solid wastes, reserve pit fluids, drilling muds and cuttings, and domestic wastewater, including an annual waste management report, a hazardous materials tracking system, and a prohibition on chlorinated solvents, in accordance with applicable Federal and State environmental law. (14) Fuel storage and oil spill contingency planning. (15) Research, monitoring, and reporting requirements. (16) Field crew environmental briefings. (17) Avoidance of significant adverse effects upon subsistence hunting, fishing, and trapping by subsistence users. (18) Compliance with applicable air and water quality standards. (19) Appropriate seasonal and safety zone designations around well sites, within which subsistence hunting and trapping shall be limited. (20) Reasonable stipulations for protection of cultural and archeological resources. (21) All other protective environmental stipulations, restrictions, terms, and conditions deemed necessary by the Secretary. (e) CONSIDERATIONS- In preparing and promulgating regulations, lease terms, conditions, restrictions, prohibitions, and stipulations under this section, the Secretary shall consider the following: (1) The stipulations and conditions that govern the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska leasing program, as set forth in the 1999 Northeast National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska Final Integrated Activity Plan/Environmental Impact Statement. (2) The environmental protection standards that governed the initial Coastal Plain seismic exploration program under parts 37.31 to 37.33 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations. (3) The land use stipulations for exploratory drilling on the KIC-ASRC private lands that are set forth in Appendix 2 of the August 9, 1983, agreement between Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and the United States. (f) FACILITY CONSOLIDATION PLANNING- (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall, after providing for public notice and comment, prepare and update periodically a plan to govern, guide, and direct the siting and construction of facilities for the exploration, development, production, and transportation of Coastal Plain oil and gas resources. (2) OBJECTIVES- The plan shall have the following objectives: (A) Avoiding unnecessary duplication of facilities and activities. (B) Encouraging consolidation of common facilities and activities. (C) Locating or confining facilities and activities to areas that will minimize impact on fish and wildlife, their habitat, and the environment. (D) Utilizing existing facilities wherever practicable. (E) Enhancing compatibility between wildlife values and development activities. (g) ACCESS TO PUBLIC LANDS- The Secretary shall-- (1) manage public lands in the Coastal Plain subject to section subsections (a) and (b) of section 811 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 3121); and (2) ensure that local residents shall have reasonable access to public lands in the Coastal Plain for traditional uses. SEC. 30408. EXPEDITED JUDICIAL REVIEW. (a) FILING OF COMPLAINT- (1) DEADLINE- Subject to paragraph (2), any complaint seeking judicial review of any provision of this title or any action of the Secretary under this title shall be filed in any appropriate district court of the United States-- (A) except as provided in subparagraph (B), within the 90-day period beginning on the date of the action being challenged; or (B) in the case of a complaint based solely on grounds arising after such period, within 90 days after the complainant knew or reasonably should have known of the grounds for the complaint. (2) VENUE- Any complaint seeking judicial review of an action of the Secretary under this title may be filed only in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. (3) LIMITATION ON SCOPE OF CERTAIN REVIEW- Judicial review of a Secretarial decision to conduct a lease sale under this title, including the environmental analysis thereof, shall be limited to whether the Secretary has complied with the terms of this title and shall be based upon the administrative record of that decision. The Secretary's identification of a preferred course of action to enable leasing to proceed and the Secretary's analysis of environmental effects under this title shall be presumed to be correct unless shown otherwise by clear and convincing evidence to the contrary. (b) LIMITATION ON OTHER REVIEW- Actions of the Secretary with respect to which review could have been obtained under this section shall not be subject to judicial review in any civil or criminal proceeding for enforcement. SEC. 30409. FEDERAL AND STATE DISTRIBUTION OF REVENUES. (a) IN GENERAL- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of the amount of adjusted bonus, rental, and royalty revenues from oil and gas leasing and operations authorized under this title-- (1) 50 percent shall be paid to the State of Alaska; and (2) except as provided in section 30412(d) the balance shall be deposited into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. (b) PAYMENTS TO ALASKA- Payments to the State of Alaska under this section shall be made semiannually. (c) USE OF BONUS PAYMENTS FOR LOW-INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE- Amounts that are received by the United States as bonuses for leases under this title and deposited into the Treasury under subsection (a)(2) may be appropriated to the Secretary of the Health and Human Services, in addition to amounts otherwise available, to provide assistance under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.). SEC. 30410. RIGHTS-OF-WAY ACROSS THE COASTAL PLAIN. (a) EXEMPTION- Title XI of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (16 U.S.C. 3161 et seq.) shall not apply to the issuance by the Secretary under section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 185) of rights-of-way and easements across the Coastal Plain for the transportation of oil and gas. (b) TERMS AND CONDITIONS- The Secretary shall include in any right-of-way or easement referred to in subsection (a) such terms and conditions as may be necessary to ensure that transportation of oil and gas does not result in a significant adverse effect on the fish and wildlife, subsistence resources, their habitat, and the environment of the Coastal Plain, including requirements that facilities be sited or designed so as to avoid unnecessary duplication of roads and pipelines. (c) REGULATIONS- The Secretary shall include in regulations under section 30403(g) provisions granting rights-of-way and easements described in subsection (a) of this section. SEC. 30411. CONVEYANCE. In order to maximize Federal revenues by removing clouds on title to lands and clarifying land ownership patterns within the Coastal Plain, the Secretary, notwithstanding the provisions of section 1302(h)(2) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 3192(h)(2)), shall convey-- (1) to the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation the surface estate of the lands described in paragraph 1 of Public Land Order 6959, to the extent necessary to fulfill the Corporation's entitlement under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1611) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement between the Department of the Interior, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation effective January 22, 1993; and (2) to the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation the remaining subsurface estate to which it is entitled pursuant to the August 9, 1983, agreement between the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and the United States of America. SEC. 30412. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IMPACT AID AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ASSISTANCE. (a) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AUTHORIZED- (1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary may use amounts available from the Coastal Plain Local Government Impact Aid Assistance Fund established by subsection (d) to provide timely financial assistance to entities that are eligible under paragraph (2) and that are directly impacted by the exploration for or production of oil and gas on the Coastal Plain under this title. (2) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES- The North Slope Borough, Kaktovik, and other boroughs, municipal subdivisions, villages, and any other community organized under Alaska State law shall be eligible for financial assistance under this section. (b) USE OF ASSISTANCE- Financial assistance under this section may be used only for-- (1) planning for mitigation of the potential effects of oil and gas exploration and development on environmental, social, cultural, recreational and subsistence values; (2) implementing mitigation plans and maintaining mitigation projects; (3) developing, carrying out, and maintaining projects and programs that provide new or expanded public facilities and services to address needs and problems associated with such effects, including firefighting, police, water, waste treatment, medivac, and medical services; and (4) establishment of a coordination office, by the North Slope Borough, in the City of Kaktovik, which shall-- (A) coordinate with and advise developers on local conditions, impact, and history of the areas utilized for development; and (B) provide to the Committee on Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Resources of the Senate an annual report on the status of coordination between developers and the communities affected by development. (c) APPLICATION- (1) IN GENERAL- Any community that is eligible for assistance under this section may submit an application for such assistance to the Secretary, in such form and under such procedures as the Secretary may prescribe by regulation. (2) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH COMMUNITIES- A community located in the North Slope Borough may apply for assistance under this section either directly to the Secretary or through the North Slope Borough. (3) APPLICATION ASSISTANCE- The Secretary shall work closely with and assist the North Slope Borough and other communities eligible for assistance under this section in developing and submitting applications for assistance under this section. (d) ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND- (1) IN GENERAL- There is established in the Treasury the Coastal Plain Local Government Impact Aid Assistance Fund. (2) USE- Amounts in the fund may be used only for providing financial assistance under this section. (3) DEPOSITS- Subject to paragraph (4), there shall be deposited into the fund amounts received by the United States as revenues derived from rents, bonuses, and royalties under on leases and lease sales authorized under this title. (4) LIMITATION ON DEPOSITS- The total amount in the fund may not exceed $11,000,000. (5) INVESTMENT OF BALANCES- The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest amounts in the fund in interest bearing government securities. (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- To provide financial assistance under this section there is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary from the Coastal Plain Local Government Impact Aid Assistance Fund $5,000,000 for each fiscal year. |
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1. Thanks for sharing,,, |
Gonna be a lot to read ...................... ;-)
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