Here's a follow-up I received today.
Kucinich Jun 3-4 Schedule Update as of Friday 5/27.
This is shaping up to be a real advance for Peace in Anchorage. As you will see there are a series of events that will build on each other. Special thanks go to Joe Ray Skrha and Shirley Saucerman for their enthusiasm in introducing Anchorage to Dennis.
Afternoon: media interviews
Fundraiser: 5-6:30 Contact me if you are interested in attending this one or the one on Saturday
Evening: 7-9, Talk at IBEW hall (3333 Denali) at 7 pm. Topics: Korea, Missile Defense and Dept. of Peace. Presenter: Thomas Higgins/Joe Ray. Donations at the door.
Morning: Farmers' Markets, both downtown (9-10:15) and Daily News parking lot (10:45-12)
Afternoon: Fran Dearman has offered the UUF hall for a Prayer/Meditation on Peace from 1:30 to 2:30/3:00
Fundraiser: 3:30-5:30 Contact me if you are interested in attending
Evening: 7-9, Talk and Q&A in Discovery Theater (Downtown PAC). Musical opening (Libby Roderick?) Topics: Korea, Missile Defense, Dept. of Peace. My question will be about (extra?)ordinary citizens can build the Peace Movement. Presenter: Joe Ray or ? We are looking for co-sponsors for this event to cover the rental. Donations at the door.
We are still looking for ideas on how best to spread the word about these events so that his message of peace reaches widest possible audience. Please contact me with any feedback to these ideas or any new ones you have to offer.
As you may know, Dennis is quite outspoken about Peace. Check out his call for withdrawal of troops from Iraq published in USA Today available at: Also on his website you can read about the work Dennis is doing to:
. Bring our troops home from Iraq;
. Provide for national defense without putting weapons in space;
. Enact a universal single-payer health care system in the United States;
. Protect Social Security from privatization;
. Strengthen workers' rights here and prevent the exploitation of other nations' poverty;
. Protect Earth's environment;
. Develop sustainable energy sources;
. Keep oil companies from profiting excessively from depletion of Earth's oil reserves;
. Reform our electoral system and increase voting rights;
. Strengthen America's safety net;
. Improve our high schools; and
. Improve international cooperation...
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