Pretty funny stuff they're doing down in Juneau!! :spray: Someone must've seen the "Bush poop flags" that made the news recently.
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From today's Anchorage Daily News "Alaska Ear" -
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Alaska ear
The divine appendage June 5th, 2005
Last Modified: June 5th, 2005 at 02:36 AM
FECAL FRANKNESS ... Darlings, it's the most reported item in the history of Ear. The Omniscient Orifice has lost count of how many Juneau earwigs called and wrote this week about the piles of dog poop that have turned up on local trails there, sporting little pink and orange flags bearing Our Beloved Governor's portrait. Little toothpick flags like they use on cupcakes.
Honest. The Divine Appendage has seen photos, which are, alas, considered unfit for a family newspaper.
The piles were spotted on the Flume and Perseverance trails. They carry no message other than the paper Frank flags stuck into them.
Someone went to a lot of trouble, and the whole town's talking. Speculation favors a group effort.