for 2006. The Republican strategy seems to be to come up with some state props which will send the freaks who don't usually vote to the polls, to vote for their candidates while they're doing it. They did it this time around with Prop 200, and they did it in other states with gay marraige ban proposals.
Article: social activists and key state lawmakers said Monday that they will pursue a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages in Arizona.
The proposition would go on the November 2006 ballot and would be similar in part to those approved last Tuesday by voters in 11 other states.
The purpose would be to ensure that no judge in Arizona ruled in favor of same-sex marriage.
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Arizona already has a law prohibiting gay marriages, but the constitutional amendment would provide a safeguard against court rulings that could open the door for such unions, supporters said. Nothing in the state's Constitution prohibits gay marriages.We have to kill this now. We need to get in touch with our state reps and senators to tell them not to let this be put on the ballot in 2006, or we have NO CHANCE of re-electing Napolitano or defeating Kyl.