From: January Meetup is the starting point for a DFA/AZ-VOTE book club. Anyone interested is invited to join in and choose the first book to read by taking the poll: from:
* You Have The Power / Howard Dean
* Don't Think of an Elephant / George Lakoff
* The Great Divide: Retro vs. Metro / John Sperling
* Had Enough? Handbook for Fighting Back / James Carville
* What's the Matter with Kansas? / Thomas Frank
The book with the most votes will be first and the second most votes will be next. The book choices reflect some of the better books aimed at progessive/reform activists. The book club participants may choose to cover one book a month or every other month. Larger books may be tackled in sections ('Moral Politics' or 'The Great Divide'). The goal after reading and discussing is to generate a review to be posted on the blog and in the newsletter. If you are interested in participating, you can connect at meetup or by emailing azvote.