Call To Action!!!
"Oppose the Unconstitutional Portions of the Patriot Act"
Monday, February 7, 2005 1pm
The Bill of Rights is not a Threat to National Security!
SCR 1031 sponsored by Sen. Karen Johnson is scheduled for hearing in the Judiciary Committee on Mon. Feb.7 at 1:30 in Senate Hearing room #1.
Please come and register at the computer to indicate you are for the bill. This will let them know how many support it. You may mark whether you want to testify. The bill is at the end of a list of 15 bills, but it may be heard sooner if there are a lot of people there for the bill.
The list of committee members is available at email, phone, or fax them asking them to support. This bill to "Oppose the Unconstitutional Portions of the Patriot's Act" is a copy of some of the bills passed by 367 communities, including Tucson, Flagstaff, and Pima County Supervisors in AZ. The States of Alaska, Hawaii, Vermont, and Maine have passed the opposition to the Patriot's Act.
Make Arizona the fifth proud state to join the opposition. The Bill of Rights is not a threat to national security! - CM