I need some fairly recent examples of stupid conservatives in Arizona. The GemDems (Greater Eastern Maricopa Democrats) website www.gemdems.org is going to feature a local compilation modeled after this site's "Top 10 Conservative Idiots". We certainly have a surfeit of right wing lunacy in this Red state so it should be no trouble coming up with examples of it in the form of politicians, activists, columnists, etc.
I already plan to include Mike Sunnucks, who wrote an article for The Phoenix Business Journal claiming that Gov. Napolitano deliberately avoided Howard Dean when he visited here last week. I'm also thinking of including Sheriff Joe's mysterious one-vehicle accident in an Osco parking lot. We'd like to get at least 5 and run the feature every month to attract readers to the website. So please let me know if you've encountered anything. I'm particularly interested in local rightie radio hosts. I cannot stomach listening to them myself, but do any of you tune in?