J. D. hayworth your rep?
http://hayworth.house.gov/did you guys get that newsletter on illegal immigration?
it's got all these ridiculous poll numbers, does any one know if this is true?
"Q: Which of the following actions do you think would be effective in dealing with the problem?"
greatest to least....
82%: Impose fines and penalties against businesses that hire illegal workers.
76%: Create Social Security card w/ photo, required before being hired U.S.
75%: Increase number of Border Patrol Agents.
73%: Enlist help of state and local police in apprehending illegal aliens.
72%: Use more High-tech equipment to monitor illegal border crossings.
60%: Station U.S. troops along the border.
29%: Establish Guest worker Program allowing illegals in country to work.
5%: Give blanket amnesty to all illegal aliens currently in the country.
1%: Open the borders.
"Q: Should congress act to deny Driver's licenses to illegal aliens?"
93%: no
6%: yes
"Q: Do you believe that immigrants working illegally in the U.S. should be eligible for Social Security benefits?"
86%: no
3%: yes
"Q: Do you believe children bore here of Illegal aliens should be automatic citizens of the U.S.?"
88%: no
10%: yes
"Q: Which of the following statements comes closest to your point of view of pending proposal;s to establish a guest worker program in the U.S.?"
"OpitionA: A federal guest worker plan that legalizes the millions of illegal immigrants now in th U.S. and puts them on the path to full citizenship should be enacted... 10% Agree"
"OpitionB: Instead of a guest worker plan, the U.S. should secure our borders and enforce current immigration laws... 79% Agree"
then if the numbers aren't enough bull shit, it says, "PERCENTAGES ARE BASED ON A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OF RESPONSES." what the hell does that mean, did they doctor the polls to show something that wasn't? "o, well these people didn't like any of our proposals, take them out and just add that phrase at the bottom..."