DFA-MC Meetup
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006
Saguaro Branch Library
2808 N. 46th St. Phoenix 85008
1 block South of Thomas Road on the right.
6:00pm - Meet and Greet
6:30pm - Meeting
8:00pm - Social
DFA-MC (was AZ-VOTE) members bring one of your friends to become a DFA'er!
Vice-Chair Katherine Ingram says,
"Democracy for America is dedicated to grassroots activism and supporting candidates at all levels of government. Become a active part of strengthening grassroots participation in our democracy; and help elect fiscally responsible and socially progressive candidates to all levels of government. We need you in this long-term investment that will pay off if we are willing to stand up for what we believe in and support candidates at every level of political office."