Steve May, a former Arizona lawmaker who has advocated for gay rights, will seek the seat being vacated this year Rep. John Shadegg.
"I've always said the more the merrier," said May, who joins Paradise Valley Mayor Ed Winkler, in a field that also could include Shadegg chief of staff Sean Noble and lawmakers Jim Waring, Pamela Gorman and House Speaker Jim Weiers.
May said his campaign would focus on reducing the budget deficit and improving national defense. "This is a great time for a Republican like me to get into the Republican Party to bring it back to the values that win, the values that Americans care about," May said.
May, 36,of Phoenix, said he retired two weeks ago after selling his natural-sweetener business.
A former Army lieutenant and critic of the Army's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, May helped lead the successful 2006 campaign against Prop. 107, which would have amended the constitution to prohibit gay marriage and domestic partner benefits for straight couples.
May served in the Legislature from 1998 to 2002.
"I'm running on my experience and my ideas, my record," he said.