Its Rep. Flake in District 6. Sure we could do better! Here's my letter:
Dear Representative Flake,
I am deeply disappointed that you chose to put politics above the best interests of our country by your vote on the stimulus package yesterday. This is not the time for partisanship but rather it is the time to work together to solve our nation’s problems. The President’s plan addresses the needs of the people of this country; demanding tax cuts for the wealthy does not. They have done little to help in the past and only serve to concentrate wealth in the pockets of a privileged few.
The previous administration turned a blind eye to the problems the people of this country face – crumbling bridges and highways, bankrupt and strapped states, poverty and homelessness, poor education funding and the high cost of college, and especially the issue of affordable health care. To demand the same old remedy – tax cuts for the wealthy – is irresponsible.
The old saw “cut taxes” is getting old and believe it or not, people are mature enough to realize that public services such as fire and police protection, schools, and road repairs cost money. We pay for these services through taxes. It seems that the Republican Party at the federal and state level has been taken over by Libertarians who don’t want to pay for anything. This is unrealistic and thinking people realize that. It is time that politicians stop equating tax increases or payment and their reelection chances.
Your House leadership is leading you down a path that is contrary to the wishes and needs of your constituents. You are of course aware of the budget deficit in the State of Arizona. Are you also aware of the plan to cut K-12 education funding by $133 million in the current year and 22% of education funding in 2010? This will cause Arizona to drop to the bottom in education funding. President Obama’s plan would provide help for schools, including those in Arizona. Similar effects are to be found in other aspects of the stimulus package.
Please, do what is right for your constituents, not the wealthiest 1% of the country. They don’t need tax cuts. Your constituents need secure jobs, affordable healthcare, safe and effective schools, and responsible government.
Thank you for your time.