solving our problems!
The Arizona GOP in the Legislature are pushing to take away state benefits for domestic partners, and it’s no question that their ire is for gay couples;
Brewer, in a questionnaire she filled out in 2006 for the Center for Arizona Policy, said she opposes the government granting unmarried domestic partners the same employee and health benefits as married couples. The center, which helped push through an initiative last year to constitutionally ban gay marriage in Arizona, tried to block the coverage when Napolitano pushed it through.
Unfortunately, when you use a shot gun to shoot a pin, you tend to make a fool of yourself. The proposed cuts would save a paltry $3 million, when faced with our $4 billion deficit (or .00075% of said deficit) I can’t help but laugh. This will not only effect those gross gays but all those godless heathens living together and not married! (sarcasm) This is just bad blood for Napolitano’s pen scars on them.
Senate Majority Whip Pamela Gorman, R-Anthem, said the question of who gets what benefits should be decided by state lawmakers. She said it was wrong of then-Gov. Janet Napolitano to make the change administratively.
What a waste of time, the state needs a tax reverse, all the hens we let out in the nineties are coming back to roust, unfortunately our state house is run by losers.
read the rest at northtempe.org! :)