From my LD District chair:
Rep. Jeff Flake (CD-6) is having a Congressional Q&A Monday, August 10 at 6:00 P.M. Chandler Heights Community Room 4040 E. Chandler Heights Road NE corner of Lindsey & Chandler Heights Road RSVP to Mr. & Mrs. Mow at ljrjaz@cox.net This event is not posted on Flake's Congressional Website. Info is only being given to those who call his office and ask about it. Let's get some Democrats from CD-6 at this. Please be polite.
DC phone: 202-225-2635 DC fax: 202-226-4386
Mesa Office: (more district offices) 1640 South Stapley Drive, Suite 215 Mesa, Arizona 85204 Phone: (480) 833-0092 Fax: (480) 833-6314
This is posted on Flake's "soapbox." What is the "CITIZENS FIRST ALLIANCE?"
TOWN HALL AND TEA BAG MEETINGS JUST THE "BEGINNING" CITIZENS DISCONTENT CONTINUES TO "GROW AND SHOW" President Obama, and ALL elected officials..... It is time for ALL of you to watch the old "Cold War" public notice movies on "DUCK and COVER." Our organization has warned ALL of you, through this media, many times in the past, that YOUR CITIZENS emotions are "boiling over." They are ALL awaiting your return during this upcoming recess. NONE of you should feel that you will be spared from your CITIZENS' outcries for "REAL CHANGE." The membership of our organization, spans our Nation, and is estimated to have passed 750,000. We were formed to help ensure that the CITIZENS of our Republic, are placed upon a "pedestal" by ALL elected officials when policies and legislation are being considered. The effect and impact on the SAFETY, SECURITY, WELFARE, and RIGHTS of each and every one of YOUR CITIZENS, MUST be YOUR FIRST CONSIDERATION. President Obama, and his "INNER CIRCLE" have discarded this principle. Our membership: BLACK AMERICANS, HISPANIC AMERICANS, ASIAN AMERICANS, EUROPEAN AMERICANS, GAY AMERICANS, and, collectively, "AMERICAN AMERICANS," are members because we ALL share the same beliefs and support the same principles. We, also, are NOT afraid of your party's threats to "hit back" if the voicings of our concerns and demands burn their sensitive ears. WE DO NOT WANT "GOVERNMENT MANAGED HEALTH CARE" FORCED UPON US. WE DO NOT WANT "ILLEGAL RESIDENTS" LIVING WITHIN OUR NATION TO RECEIVE, OR BE ENTITLED TO, ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES WHICH OUR "LEGAL" CITIZENS HAVE "EARNED." WE DEMAND A TRUE, SUBSTANTIVE, ENFORCEMENT OF OUR "IMMIGRATION LAWS" UPON UNIONS AND BUSINESSES WHO, THROUGH THEIR "OBSTINATE BEHAVIOR," SPIT UPON OUR CONSTITUTION. WE DEMAND ENGLISH BE DECLARED OUR NATION'S "OFFICIAL LANGUAGE" AND THAT ALL FUNDING TO SUPPORT "ESL" PROGRAMS BE STOPPED. WE DEMAND AN IMMEDIATE END TO "ANCHOR BABY" CITIZENSHIP. WE FEEL THAT A "HATE CRIMES" BILL IS A LUDICROUS REDUNDANCY OF CURRENT LAWS. WE BELIEVE THAT THE COMPLAINT OF "RACIAL PROFILING" BE STRUCK DOWN, BASED UPON THE FACT THAT ALL LEGAL CITIZENS ARE "AMERICANS." THESE DEMANDS, UNFORTUNATELY, REPRESENT JUST "THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG." WE SUPPORT AND COLLECTIVELY BOND WITH ALL OTHER GROUPS SUCH AS OURS, IN OUR MOTIVATION AND RESOLVE. AS TIME PASSES, AND VARIOUS ELECTIONS DRAW NEAR ACROSS OUR NATION, OUR EFFORTS TO "UNSEAT AND REPLACE" ELECTED OFFICIALS WHO REFUSE TO SUPPORT OUR BELIEFS, SHALL BE MANIFESTED. OUR "VOICES" CONTINUE TO INTENSIFY. CITIZENS FIRST ALLIANCE