Carolyn Classen on Nov.12, 2009, under Arts, Life, Politics
“Fatally Flawed” documentary at Crossroads Theater on Monday
If you care about election integrity in our own Pima County, mark your calendars for Monday, November 16. “Fatally Flawed” premiered at the Loft Theater on September 16, and exactly two months later it will be at the Crossroads Theater, 4811 E. Grant Rd. at 7 p.m. Admission is only $3. See Off the Marquee’s blog about this movie on 9/11.
“Fatally Flawed” by Tucsonan J.T. Waldron documents the investigation spearheaded by the Pima County Democratic Party and their attorney Bill Risner, with the assistance of election integrity advocates John Brakey (Audit AZ) and Libertarian Jim March (Black Box Voting). These three men became obsessed with seeking the truth about the May 2006 RTA Election that authorized a sales tax increase totaling $2 Billion to fund the Regional Transportation Authority. You can read about the events leading up to making of the film at
More at link.