by Hugh Holub on May.26, 2010,
The general public opinion is there’s a water problem in Green Valley and it is
all the fault of the proposed Rosemont mine. That is not true.
The water table will continue to drop in Green Valley even if there were no
Rosemont mine. That water level decline is due to the pumping by existing mines,
FICO, urban residents and golf courses. It is also caused by the lack of sufficient
CAP recharge facilities in the area.
First, let me make it clear: I do not represent Rosemont.
I represented a whole bunch of homeowners east of Green Valley where Rosemont’s
proposed groundwater wells are located. I negotiated a well protection agreement
on behalf of the homeowners. As a result of that 2 year effort, I learned a lot
about what’s going on down that end of the Valley.
Much more at link: