(Edited to add map link.)
Rep Schweikert replaced Harry Mitchell in the House in the Congress. The Maricopa County Democratic Party invited us to show up and speak up.
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Wednesday, April 27, 5 pm : Congressmen Facing Angry Voters Over Plan To End Medicare - D17 Democrats; Rep. David Schweikert to speak.
Listening Session with David SchweikertDavid Schweikert voted for the GOP’s 2012 Budget that gives even more tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and pays for it by turning Medicare into a voucher system. Now,
Tea Party freshmen in swing districts (like ours) are feeling the heat nationwide.
The same people who swept them into office are angry at their blatant attempt to balance the budget on the backs of the baby boomers. Even the plan's author and Tea Party favorite
Paul Ryan wasn’t exempt.
Our Millionaire Congressman, David Schweikert famously campaigned against government healthcare, but then immediately accepted a tax payer subsidized plan for himself once in office. With his vote to give himself another tax break at the cost of turning our nation’s seniors over to the marketplace with a voucher and a prayer, Mr. Schweikert has taken his healthcare hypocrisy to a whole new level.
Can you stop by tomorrow and tell our congressman to leave Medicare alone? Tell him the top 2% have gotten enough breaks over the last 30 years. Tell him our nation’s seniors won’t be used to subsidize more tax cuts. Tell him Medicare is a promise, one you spent years paying into, and you expect it to be kept.
Please keep it civil. Remember, we are the adults in the room.
We don't want to look like this guy -- we are better than that. -------------------- --------------------
(Press release from Rep Schweikert's office)
Rep Schweikert Announces A Community Listening Session
CONTACT: Rachel Semmel
Scottsdale, Ariz. – Congressman David Schweikert announced today that he will host a Listening Session next week. Please circulate and share the time and location for Wednesday’s event:
Constituents are invited to stop in and speak with the Congressman at the Tempe Police Hardy Substation for a one-on-one pre-scheduled appointment as well as an open forum discussion.
Listening Session with David SchweikertWhen: Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. MT One-on-one sessions by appointment only
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. MT Open forum discussion
Where: Tempe Police Hardy Substation
Address: 8201 South Hardy Drive, Tempe, 85284 (
For a one-on-one appointment please call the District Office at 480-946-2411. If you are having difficulties with a federal agency, casework assistance will also be available.
Members of the press planning to attend, please RSVP to Rachel.Semmel@mail.house.gov. For more information on these events, please contact Jesse Hernandez. He can be reached at Jesse.Hernandez@mail.house.gov or at (480) 946-2411.