Jul. 11, 2011
... in January .. Klein took a loaded gun into the Senate building. The building is clearly marked and states that you must check in all weapons. It’s actually a state law! However according to Russell Pearce as the Senate President he can supersede state law in that building and he’s okay with Senators packing heat in the Senate building, and according to Pearce, that’s not up for debate. Klein at the time indicated that the senate has a don’t ask don’t tell policy about violating the weapons law that applies to the senate building ...
... subsequently ... Klein walked past a group of our protesters with a handful of all white high school kids in tow and yelled out, “why don’t you go back to Mexico.” ...
... I wasn’t surprised ... that Klein had once again made the news. This time an Arizona Republic reporter, Richard Ruelas encountered Klein’s bizarre behavior ...
... Klein was showing off her raspberry-pink handgun when she aimed it at a journalist .. interviewing her .. just outside the Senate chambers ...