June 4th 2005 Protest
Time 11:00 am
Title Protest NBC News - Demand the News
Burbank , California
Location 3000 W. Alameda Ave, Burbank in front of NBC News
Topic / Issue Media
Sponsor Mothers and Children Against War, South Pasadena Neighbors for Peace And Justice
ProWar Government Propagandists not Journalists!
Degrading the Integrity of American Journalism
Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Something is incomplete? It is. It's the Real News.
It's the truth that you seek and won’t find on NBC News Programs about the real situation in Iraq, about the morale of our soldiers, about the validity of this war, and about the true number of fatalities and causalities in Iraq to date. Why? Because General Electric wholly owns NBC and is profiting from hundred million dollar war contracts whilst broadcasting government prowar lies and half- truths to the American People. GE needs you to support this war so they can continue to make money off of it. They are using our public American airwaves to deceive and persuade you. Don't be fooled! Demand the Real News!
http://demandthenews.comUp-to-date events list: