The U.S. verges on war — and you are there
With a strong cast and story, David Hare's "Stuff Happens" is a reminder of the power of theater.
To go to war or not to go to war. That was the question.
Written during the aftermath of official combat in Iraq and the buildup to the 2004 presidential campaign, David Hare's "Stuff Happens" premiered last September on Britain's most prominent stage to standing-room-only crowds, international attention and enthusiastic reviews from London's critics.
Nine months later, "stuff" continues to happen in Iraq — yet polls report that Americans are turning their attention away from our involvement in the Middle East. The big question for those awaiting the U.S. premiere of Hare's latest work has been: Is "Stuff Happens" still relevant?
The intelligence gathered on opening night Sunday proves the answer to be conclusive: yes.