to happen for November...
If I'm reading the FAQ from the Secretary of State's Office correctly the deadline for getting paperwork and signatures filed for a proposition to happen for a given election is 131 days. That would make the deadline for getting a recall proposition in this election to be at the end of this month! (THAT'S A LITTLE OVER TWO WEEKS FOLKS!) That's the only "official" stuff I could find on this. on whether there are special additional requirements and deadline rules for recall elections, another post stated that they thought it was 161 days. If that's the case, the recall ain't happening in November, but perhaps we could get it to happen in the spring primary elections next year.
This earlier thread had some links to some rules on recalls... Haven't had a chance to read them yet. guess the question to ask immediately now is if in fact it is a 131 day deadline for this November election. And if the answer to that is yes, then the important followup question is...
"Can we get paperwork and signatures done in a little over two weeks!?"
Folks we're talking about people getting paperwork filed tomorrow before the weekend to have a chance in hell. Then we'd have to be taking some time off over the next two weeks to go many places to gather signatures... I think one of those links said something about perhaps a million plus signatures? Maybe we could get some Air America Hosts to help us out and promote going to certain locations to sign it.
I think the one thing we'd have going for us is that we'd have a far bigger army than Arnie has of people that would be willing to work their butts off the next couple of weeks to make this happen. I know I'd ask for some time off and would spend extra time in places to help gather signatures.
Anyone else? Then again, if someone can find another document showing that we'd need to have 160 days or something like that instead, then we probably don't need to rush as much as the November situation would be a lost cause, but if we do a signature gathering campaign for the spring primaries to do this and while we're gathering signatures shoot Arnie's propositions full of holes to those we solicit so that this special election fails miserably, then I think we'd have good ammunition to make it work in the spring!
It might be hard for folks like Angelides and others wanting to run for the gubernatorial nomination *AND* putting their names in the hat for a recall election as well, but they'll have to be running anyway. It would just be weird if one Democrat won the recall and another one won the nomination for the 2006 election then. Not sure what we'd do then. It would be nice to run an "incumbent" in 2006 election.