here's the board:'s my response: is destroying our state and trying to tear us down to the level of a third world country.
I teach college part time at several campuses, and one school had to close the cafeteria and school paper, and another laid off something like 25% of their part time faculty a year or two ago.
Essentially, Arnold is doing to California what Bush is doing to the country: cut taxes, privatize everything so his friends can make money off it, deregulate everything and weaken unions, and not out-argue the opposition, but shut it out so that no one can block any of this.
This ideology is so unpopular in South America that people are marching in the streets of Bolivia, and even the army in Venezuela wouldn't cooperate with Bush's coup against their elected president. Maybe it's because they do things like privatize their water and try to charge them a quarter of their income for it. Here in California, they did that with deregulated electricity, blackmailing our governor, then using the manufactured crisis to get Arnold in office.
People are rebelling against it here and in South America not out of ideology, but as a matter of survival.
I teach college at a couple of different schools that add up to more than full time equivalent, but I don't have health insurance through any of them, and can't afford to buy it for myself. I don't even make enough to pay off the student loans that were required to make me qualified to teach.
There are some functions the government can do better than the private sector and should like education, health care, fire protection, and police. When those functions are provided by government, small businesses profit because they can compete with big corporations for employees. If you have to choose between a nice mom & pop shop and a soulless corporation, you are usually forced to choose the corporation because mom & pop can't give you health insurance.
When California was closest to this model, we were the state people all over the country were coming to, and had the best schools and colleges in the country. Now we are on a race to the bottom. If some other state wants Arnold, you can have him.
Hillbilly Hitler art: