Chamber Maid for the Chamber of Commerce by Jamie Court and Doug Heller
If there was any doubt that Arnold is the Chamber of Commerce's Chamber Maid, it was erased today when the Gov stood outside a private home in San Diego to stump against changes to Prop 13.
No one in the statehouse has suggested Prop 13 be changed for residential homeowners. The only serious discussion in the Capitol over the last few years has been about forcing big businesses to have their commercial real estate reassessed so they pay a fairer share under Prop 13. Those proposals would not hit a single homeowner, whose property is already reassessed every time it's sold. It would close a loophole found in Prop 13 that big business exploits so their property values are never reassessed. Estimates are that these big commercial entities -- that are among the Chamber of Commerce's largest members - could be forced to cough up as much as $4 billion that they owe.
It's no wonder the California Chamber of Commerce's CEO is authoring the initiative to give Schwarzenegger huge budget powers to cut school funding rather than force big business to pony up. But it is revealing that Arnold's first salvo in the special election is cleaning up the Chamber's dirty laundry.
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