Dear Progressive Friends,
Your help is urgently needed to drive Diebold out of California and protect the integrity of our elections.
At a hearing of the VSPP committee (a hand-picked panel chosen by our new Republican Secretary of State) on June 16th in Sacramento, testimony was taken on the vulnerability of Diebold and other electronic election equipment. The committee made numerous attempts to suppress testimony from election reform experts, but a boisterous crowd stood up for Democracy and insisted that the truth be heard.
The Secretary of State now has 30 days to decide whether to allow California to purchase more voting systems using secret software, including Diebold systems recently shown to be intentionally programmed for easy hackability, according to Bev Harris of Black Box Voting.
Please help by sending this letter to the officials below. Thanks.
Miriam Raftery
California Election Protection Network member
Chair, Media Subcommittee, AD 77 Committee
Chair, Media Committee, San Diego For Democracy
I am writing in regard to the VSPP hearings held June 16th on election equipment. It is imperative that no Diebold or other partisan-owned election equipment be allowed in California! We can’t trust Diebold, ES&S etc. anymore than we can trust Enron. Citizens and elected officials must not tolerate VSPP panelists with conflicts of interest (such as a panelist who has lobbied for Diebold and another who is a major Schwarzenegger fundraiser) or who hold vested interests in voting systems.
We must have voter-verified paper ballots as the ballots of record, counted in every precinct with hefty compulsory audits in each precinct. Not one penny of HAVA (Help America Vote Act) money should be spent on proprietary vote-counting systems, which can be hacked and changed by a chimpanzee! A better use of HAVA funds would be to fund development of an open-source software, secure voting system through the University of California, using a voter-verified paper ballot.
Free and fair elections are crucial to a democracy. Please stand up for our rights to have every vote counted accurately!
Send your letters to the Secretary of State, with copies of your letters to the Elections Committee for the Legislature, as well as your own State Senator and State Assembly representative, so that the Secretary of State will know that his actions cannot behidden from public scrutiny. Contacts:
Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, 1500 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814, (916)653-6814
The Elections Committee of the Legislature: Senator Debra Bowen, State Capitol, Room 4040_Sacramento, CA 95814_Voice: (916) 445-5953_Fax: (916) 323-6056_Senator.Bowen@sen.ca.gov Senator Jim Battin (Vice-Chair)_State Capitol, Room 3067_Sacramento, CA 95814_Phone: (916) 445-5581_Fax: (916) 327-2187_jim.battin@sen.ca.gov Senator Joseph Dunn_State Capitol, Room 2080_Sacramento CA 95814_(916) 445-5831_Fax: (714) 705-1586_Senator.Dunn@sen.ca.gov Senator Kevin Murray_State Capitol, Room 5050_Sacramento, CA 95814_(916) 445-8800_Fax (916) 445-8899_Senator.Murray@sen.ca.gov Senator Charles Poochigian_State Capitol, Room 5087_Sacramento, CA 95814_Phone: (916) 445-9600_Fax: (916) 327-3523_Senator.Poochigian@sen.ca.gov Senator Gloria Romero_State Capitol, Room 313_Sacramento, CA 95814_(916) 445-1418_Fax (916) 445-0485_Senator.Romero@sen.ca.gov