Great site Shred. I'm pretty sure that Duke is thrilled with this little gem. How the hell does a "Duke" get his hands on the Rancho Sante Fe property on his salary? Maybe he won the lottery... Or maybe he inherited a giant chunk of change.
Even so, the pad in Rancho Sante Fe seems to be a real sweetheart deal since Duke paid two and a half million for the place -- there is no way anyone could touch a place of that size: 7,628 on almost 3 acres for anything less than 6 million in that community. This has stink written all over it.
Why does he need that much square footage? Does he run a summer camp for wayward Penthouse Models? Or is it the only place he could find where he can fit his gigantic, inflated head?
San Diego real estate is a very goof-ball thing but to pay as much as Defense Contractor, Stephen Wade paid for the home in Del Mar, $1,675,000. is a bit inflated -- The Del Mar site is in a very nice community and would fetch over a million easy at todays prices. In fact I would not be surprised to see it go for around a million and a half. Wade either is an idiot or had the dumbest real estate agent on the planet. Or the inside of the place must have been filled with rotting fish. Which one or combination of these do you suspect? Here is an image of the Duke's back yard in Rancho Sante Fe. I can see those Penthouse models splashing around, all bouncy and talking about their jewelry that Cunningham may be supplying with all that left over cash from the Del Mar home sale.