The thing I would want Conservatives & Libertarians to understand, is that when Liberals or Left-wing Progressives use words like Freedom & Democracy, we mean the same things that you do. We merely disagree about the implementation.
Neo-Cons, on the other hand, do not mean the same things, when they use those words. When Neo-Cons use words like Freedom & Democracy, they mean free-rein for Corporations, and Corporate control of politcal processes. They give lip-service to Free Enterprize, making it appear that they support small businesses, & individual effort. What they are intent upon, is monpolistic control of the economic landscape, reducing everybody not part of their tiny clique of multi-billionaires, to virtual serfdom at the lowest wages possible in an over-populated world. That is what they really mean by Globalization.
NOTE : I wrote this & posted it on some boards that aren't all full of Democrats, but I think the idea will be useful for you to understand when talking with Conservatives or Libertarians, so they will understand why they really need to vote against Bush. Bush & the Neo-Cons are as dangerous for them, as they are for us.