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Ok folks if you live in San Diego

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Home » Discuss » Places » California Donate to DU
nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 01:58 PM
Original message
Ok folks if you live in San Diego
pay attention

The election is tomorrow, and we need your votes

No I am not a volunter for Frye, just intend to vote for her... so see you at the polls
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MindPilot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 02:17 PM
Response to Original message
1. Done and done
I voted absentee a few weeks ago and so did my son--that's at least two for DF. And two "no"s on A.

Got a phone call last night from Channel 10 asking some basic demo info, who I voted for last time and who I plan to vote for this time. Of course the answer to both questions was Donna Frye.

Did you see that mayoral debate last night? Sometimes I wish I could just Elvis my TV. I got so sick of listening to "New York Myke" go on in his stupid accent with his I'm-from-New-Yawk-and-so-much-bettah-dan-youse attitude telling voters not to worry about "da pothols cuz deys worse in frikin' jeersey" Yeah, we need a mayor who sounds like he just stepped off the set of the Sopranos and thinks the California Constitution is "wacko".
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 03:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I'll be there...
Edited on Mon Jul-25-05 03:35 PM by calipendence
Did some late night sign depositing in a key commute intersection last night. Will be voting for DF, and hopefully I convinced a few others to do so precinct walking the last few weeks too.

Latest poll from Datamar shows she has 46% of the vote with Sanders and Francis in a dead heat behind her.

Frye 46%
Francis 22%
Sanders 21%
(others not given)

SurveyUSA poll shows her with 45% of the vote, so that's got to be pretty close to being the right amount

Frye 45%
Sanders 24%
Francis 23%
Other 7%
Undecided 1%

We need to eek out that 4-5% folks! That's her best shot I think!

Like I've said before, if she can't win outright, part of me wants to have Sanders take the second spot so that we don't have any horrible potential outcomes like we might with Francis winning. If Francis takes second however, I like her chances of grabbing Sanders votes in the runoff and beating Francis moreso than I like her grabbing other votes to be Sanders in the runoff. Probably won't get any of Francis' votes to speak of.

With them in a dead heat now (Francis was more solid second place earlier), the best shot she has now is to talk those folks into voting her in NOW to help us:

1) Save us on additional election costs, which might need two instead of one if we have to elect a council person to replace Fry later instead of in November. Note that we already might have to shoulder a bigger part of the election costs in November if Arnie cancels his statewide proposition election then. Of course that might allow us to move it around some, but that's probably not really possible without spending more money reprinting ballots, etc. too.

2) Help a new mayor get started fixing problems NOW instead of waiting to November (or later with the November election potentially going away?). As Shea even said (and you might mention this to his supporters), we need to start working on this now so that we can get the audits done shortly and assess whether bankruptcy or other similar measures will be necessary as early as possible. The interest alone is probably going to cost us a lot of money waiting.

3) Donna is the ONLY candidate with a chance at winning tomorrow, even if Ryder says its not possible (which he'd like to believe to keep her from getting votes that might otherwise get "wasted" on him. Tell them if they want quick resolution and are on the fence with folks, Donna is the choice to take NOW.

4) If someone is trying to vote as Richard Ryder would say "who they ideally want in this first round", if Donna's their second choice, then they might not get either their first or second choice in the next round. If they vote for Donna now as their second choice (assuming their first choice isn't either Sanders or Francis), then their vote might count more for something.

5) Francis has already spent close to $2 million on this campaign already. If he is in a runoff against Frye for November, imagine how much money could be wasted on this campaign. Damn, how I wish "clean election" rules were applying to this campaign, so that Francis would have to explain why he inflated his funds so much to inflate the money taken out of the city in matching funds to help the other candidates. There then would be a penalty for spending too much money that he'd have to answer for to the voters, even if he wasn't a "clean elections" candidate himself. We still need to tell voters to ask themselves how he envisions himself being such a great mayor and running it as a business, when he's had more costs of "business" in his "marketing campaign" for himself than any previous mayoral candidate. Doesn't sound like a good business manager to me! What's he expecting to be the revenue returned from all of those extra costs. There really isn't that much revenue/profits to be gained from his "business" unless he savages city employees' salaries, and San Diego residents' services heavily. Will he be giving himself a higher salary to pay back all of that money he put into it? Not if I can help it!

Get out and vote folks! And get your friends to vote too! This could be the most important local election we've had here in San Diego in many of our lifetimes. We need to get the right person in charge now!

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rinsd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 06:08 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Here's another polls showing Donna under 40% from the UnionTrib.

Let's make sure the run-off is not necessary.

Get your asses out there because turnout will likely be low in an off season election!
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 08:43 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. One thing we should make is known is that "voting for DF" means...
voting for Donna Frye, NOT the DiFi we have in the Senate! Looking at my post, I didn't want anyone to get confused about that! I'm still hoping for someone decent to challenge DiFi in the primaries.
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JDPriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 02:20 PM
Response to Original message
2. I'm in LA. Good luck to Donna Frye.
She won the first time fair and square. Let's hope she does it again.
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ronnykmarshall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 05:12 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Same here ..
I'd love to see Donna win outright tomorow and avoid the run off.
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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-25-05 07:06 PM
Response to Original message
6. I'll be poll watching and helping get out the votes for Dems.
It's not too late to volunteer! This is going to be a squeaker, so every vote counts.
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nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-26-05 12:28 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. Will be there as soon as hubby wakes up and have breakfast
he works nights now
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-26-05 12:12 PM
Response to Original message
The Mount Soledad people are out there in force. I've saw "God Bless America" bumper sticker in the parking lot to counteract my "Re-elect Donna Frye" bumper sticker.

We need to get all Dems voting today! Make sure your like-minded friends and family are voting!

Remind them that this isn't like other primaries, where you can vote your conscience and ultimately you're only deciding who will be representing your party in a final election. This election could be decided today if Donna gets enough votes. If anyone you know feels that Donna is their second choice and their first choice is neither Sanders nor Francis, point out to them that they can be better heard by voting for Donna NOW, rather than wait until a runoff to do so.

Also note that polling places are likely different than the one you are used to. If you didn't get or have misplaced your sample election ballot (I did lose mine! :) ), you can get information on where your voting location is by calling one of the following two numbers. Don't let not knowing where to vote stop you from voting today!:

Registrar of Voters: 858-565-5800


San Diego City Clerk's Office: 619-533-4025

Get out and VOTE folks! Send the country a message that we as progressives care about our local government! We have a unique situation where everyone in the country is watching YOU today!
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slackmaster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-26-05 06:44 PM
Response to Original message
10. Done
I always vote early and often.
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mode13h_net Donating Member (60 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-26-05 07:53 PM
Response to Original message
11. Done and Done
Filled in the bubble COMPLETELY for frye
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Rainscents Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-26-05 09:20 PM
Response to Original message
12. What time poll close this evening? I'm not from CA, but I am keeping
close watch on the race.
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-26-05 09:31 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. 8:00 PM...
Edited on Tue Jul-26-05 09:33 PM by calipendence
Donna Frye is having a victory party tonight at 8:30 PM at Downtown Johnny Brown's. That place is located in the Civic Center Plaza (across from City Hall) at the corner of 2nd and B St.

BTW, up in another post in this thread, I mentioned how it would be decent if we had "Clean Elections" laws here in California and in San Diego. Well, a story just came out today in the Union Tribune how they are starting to really push this locally. Kind of makes sense that this would be the best time to do it, leveraging voter frustration with all of the political corruption we've had to deal with lately (Pension Board, StripperGate, Mayor's race, Randy "Duke" Cunningham SNAFU's, etc.)

Check out the following article for details:

This proposition would be *very* important for us to push on around here over the next year!

Here is the local chapter's web page, though it seems to be down at the moment...

Here's an intro page...

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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-26-05 10:08 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. Donna ahead with 8 of 721 precincts counted (42.42%)
Edited on Tue Jul-26-05 10:14 PM by calipendence
Here's a link to results...

So far:

DONNA FRYE - 42.42%
PAT SHEA - 3.37%
JIM BELL - 0.28%
ED KOLKER - 0.26%

( I think these are all of the absentee ballots )
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Mister Mark Donating Member (125 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-27-05 02:03 AM
Response to Original message
15. Darn! But oh well, she's clearly the front-runner
97.1% of precincts counted at midnight, and the current results:

Donna Frye 43.27%
Jerry Sanders 27.00%
Steve Francis 23.54%
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aquart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-27-05 02:42 AM
Response to Original message
16. It's after midnight in San Diego. What's the count?
is there a link???
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bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-27-05 03:57 AM
Response to Original message
17. Good luck, San Diegans--and Donna Frye!
Edited on Wed Jul-27-05 03:59 AM by bliss_eternal
Hoping all goes as you guys would like it to! Best wishes on your vote day!

From another one in socal...
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-27-05 10:37 AM
Response to Original message
18. Troubling news that you aren't getting about Diebold from this election!
Edited on Wed Jul-27-05 10:41 AM by calipendence
First, on the election...

1) I'm glad that Donna's in the runoff
2) I'm glad that Steve Francis is not in the runoff
3) I'm sad that Donna couldn't have won it all yesterday, but that isn't the end of the world.
4) Running against Sanders will be *a lot* harder to win than running against Francis.

I think the Rethugs knew about #4, and consider that from their point of view, this might have been their best possible outcome to avoid having Donna Frye in office (by getting Sanders against her one-on-one). They probably knew it would be a lot harder to have Francis beat Frye in November. The good news is that all of you, by coming out so heavily for Frye, made it impossible for them to push her out of the runoff. Had they done that, there certainly would have been an investigation. The biggest defense against voter fraud is for all of us to come out and vote decisively. But as the following notes show, that still doesn't leave us immune from tampering.

Now couple that with the following:

From the San Diego Tribune, the subject line of this article makes this election sound like it was running cleanly without a hitch. In it though they do mention one version of events where Jim March of Black Box Voting got arrested for "bolting in" to see the central tabulator machine in operation... Here's the San Diego Union Tribune version of events...


About 10:45 at the registrar's office in Kearny Mesa, a member of a group that monitors elections stormed into a computer room where votes were being tabulated. Jim March, who sits on the board of Black Box Voting, complained about having to observe from behind a window eight feet away. When an election worker opened the door, March bolted inside.

Two sheriff's deputies jumped from their seats, pulled him out of the room and led him to a patrol car.

Thirty minutes earlier, March told a reporter he was going to perform an act of civil disobedience.

The day was markedly different than March 2004, when a new touch-screen system malfunctioned.

Paralyzed by a computer glitch, the touch-screen problems caused more than one-third of polling places to open late and an unknown number of voters were turned away."

Here's a version that was posted in an email sent out to the Open Voting Consortium Discussion list:

Subject: Black Box Voting Board Member Arrested in San Diego for Viewing Vote-Tallying
From: "Black Box Voting" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 01:51:05 -0700 (PDT)


Jim March, a member of the Black Box Voting board of directors,
was arrested Tuesday evening for trying to observe the Diebold
central tabulator (vote tallying machine) as the votes were being
counted in San Diego's mayoral election (July 26).
(- online discussion: http:/ -)

According to Jim Hamilton, an elections integrity advocate from
San Diego, he and March visited the office of the registrar
of elections earlier in the day. During this visit, March made
two requests, which were refused by Mikel Haas, the San Diego
Registrar of elections.

1) March asked that the central tabulator, the computer that
tallies up the votes from all the precincts, be positioned so
that citizens could observe it. According to Hamilton, this
would have required simply moving a table a few feet.

2) March also asked for a copy of the ".gbf" files -- the vote
tally files collected during the course of tabulation – to be
provided for examination after the election.

During the tallying of the election, the Diebold computer
was positioned too far away for citizens to read the screen.
Citizens could not watch error messages, or even perceive
significant anomalies or malfunctions.

Unable to see the screen, March went into the office where the
tabulator was housed. Two deputies followed him and escorted
him out.

According to Hamilton: "He was not belligerent, not at all.
After he went inside the tabulator room he came
out and he said clearly 'I’m not resisting.' They handcuffed
him, took him out of the building. They put him in a squad car.
take him to jail," said Hamilton. "He’s getting charged with a
felony, 'interfering with an election official.'"

March's actions are the culmination of two years of increasing
frustration with the refusal of election officials to respond to
security deficiencies in the voting machines. The software that
tallies the votes in San Diego is made by Diebold Election Systems,
a company that has already paid the state of California $2.8 million
for making false claims, due to a lawsuit filed by March and Black
Box Voting founder Bev Harris.

On July 4, a report was released by European computer security
expert Harri Hursti, revealing that the Diebold voting system
contains profound architectural flaws. "It is open for business,"
says Hursti, who demonstrated the flaws on Leon County, Florida
Diebold machines. He penetrated the voting system in less than
five minutes, manipulating vote reports in a way that was

Despite the critical security alert issued by Hursti, San Diego
County sent 713 voting machines home with poll workers, increasing
the risk that the "memory cards" housed in the machines could be
hacked, and removing the argument that "inside access" was carefully

The arrest of Jim March underlines a fundamental problem facing
Americans today as, increasingly, they lose the ability to monitor,
verify, or watch any part of the counting process.

The San Diego registrar of elections knew of the security flaws in
the voting system. Diebold has never denied the vulnerability
identified in Hursti's report, found at

Despite knowledge of the increased risks, Haas made the decision
to create additional vulnerability by sending the machines home
with hundreds of poll workers.

While San Diego officials will no doubt point to a small seal on
the compartment housing the memory card (the component exploited
in Hursti’s study), Black Box Voting has interviewed a former
San Diego poll worker, who reported that all that is necessary
to dislodge and then reaffix the seal is a small pair of pliers.


- The machines have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to
undetected tampering
- The San Diego registrar of voters chose not to take
appropriate precautions
- The main tally machine was placed in a location that was
impossible for citizens to observe
- Many voting integrity advocates have come to believe that
voting machine reform now rivals the urgency of the Civil
Rights movement in the 1960s.

Jim March acted on those beliefs.

* * * * *

If you share the feelings that Jim March has expressed
about voting system secrecy, please forward this message to
your lists and to online blogs as appropriate. Permission
granted to reprint, with link to

* * * *

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Oerdin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 04:37 AM
Response to Original message
19. I voted for her.
We all knew she wouldn't win without a second run off though. The polls all showed that and that's how it turned out. The problem now is there will be nothing else on the ballot in November so expect voter turn out for that run off election to be very low.
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