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The Microcosm in Sacramento: Many Little Bits ¬ and Way.

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byronius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 12:15 PM
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The Microcosm in Sacramento: Many Little Bits ¬ and Way.
Edited on Fri Jul-29-05 12:51 PM by byronius
Veddy Well. Here We Go. Move America Forward (into the abyss) organized a demonstration against the Steve Pearcy art being exhibited in the CA State Attorney General’s building. Christine Craft from AM 1240 AAR organized a counter-demonstration. So. I’m goin’ in.

My God. The lunatic fringe right is a caricature of themselves. First of all -- KFBK, the Nazi Station, A RADIO STATION, erects a giant booth on the sidewalk directly to the west of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE, WITH A TWENTY BY SIX FOOT BANNER IN FRONT OF IT THAT READS: “LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER”.

Well. Right away the hackles go up the back of my neck. So, let’s paint the cast: The Most Excellent Left: old and young, big and small, every color, every sex, every creed, every walk of life. The beautiful, sweet creed of freedom. A gleam in every eye. We were mad. We’ve Had Enough. My fellow Americans, I stood with you. It was an honor. Damn. You had to be there. These people were great.

We were squared off, kept to either side of the main pillars. We’re east, they’re west. We had to maintain a path for sidewalk traffic.

Them: Thirty six full-size American flags draped around shoulders. Screaming, poop and pee-obsessed, “Faggot!”, “Go back to Beijing!”, half-drunk, a lot of really mean-looking shithead-type guys with aviator glasses, rolled-up jean cuffs, flaming eagle T-shirts. Hard Looks. Takin’ Pictures. We’re Gonna Getcha. A coupla big. big, giant-type older guys with white crewcuts. Drunk, older, mean-looking women. One really-good-looking young lady with a completely psycho BarbieSmile. A few very normal looking-people: “Nothing going on here. Just a little Nazi-worship. Hmmm, pay no attention.” A few lost-looking ten-year olds, right out in front, toward the street. ‘Gitmo’ T-shirts everywhere. And then:

Poop-Woman. This rangy, weaving temptress shouted unintelligibly, flipping everyone off with more flip-off energy than anyone has ever flipped anyone in the history of the flipping. She would occasionally pretend to wipe her bottom and throw it at us. She pretended to put some on a stolen TraitorGate sign lying on the ground. She was great. Poop-Woman. Yeah. She was, like, their leader.
Flag-Woman. Oh, yeah. Show the liberals how stupid they are by running past the police line, and trying to stretch out an eight-by twelve antique American flag on the gritty concrete in No-Man’s Land. Get hauled off by an even-handed City Police. Oh, yeah. She’s the smart one. That’ll get em. Spreadin’ out a flag. On the ground.
Captain America. Roars up for a confrontation in the street on his extra-giant-sized, fully American Flag-ized Harley-Davidson. Wearing a beanie, an American Flag Muscle Shirt, tight, tight pants with a rough-guy belt. Tattoos over old tattoos on a pair of prison biceps. He would jump on his bike, speed across the lanes, and turn around to take a threatening cruise past the People, gunning his American Flag Engine. I’m telling ya. Captain America. We cheered him. He hated that.
The Sinister Giggler. Greasy, combed-over black hair. Pasty-white, dressed like Michael Douglas in “Falling Down”. Sneerking. Giggling. Helping to pretend-pee and poop on the Stolen TraitorGate sign. Way, way, scarier than any of us know.
The Screamer. Oh, this guy. Wicked old man. Charging into No-Man’s Land again and again, roaring complete nonsense, I’m talking, “Ahygruakdhgjskhgodv” yelled at the very top of seventy-year-old lungs. Helping to poop and pee on the Poor Stolen TraitorGate sign. Flipping off everyone, double-flippers, with sugar. He was PISSED OFF. Then, he disappeared.
Lastly? Hmm. Perhaps -- Flag-Dipper. O.K., all these guys dressed in blood-red, right? Looks so ugly. Thank god we’re blue. I can wear blue. This guy, with a full-sized, gold-fringed AMERICAN FLAG on a polished wood pole seven feet long, continually dropping his flag to the ground. Once, he let it rest on the garbage can. He was vilified for this by the People, a loud American Roar of Protest. His response? -- To drag the flag over the concrete, with a cruel smile on his face, the pole lodged in his crotch. “The Flag Is My Dick.” Now-- that’s not American, We The People calmly stated. He gives us a big, mean, sicko-right-wing-vicious-I’ve-got-a-basement smile. A real, know-nothing, un-American bad-ass smile. What An Idiot.
So-- then She goes out into No-Man’s Land, I don’t know Her name, an attractive dark-haired woman in her late thirties. She goes out to meet a sally from Poop-Woman, who is throwing her poop at us from close up now -- She’s had enough of this, and She walks out and ACTUALLY TRIES TO HAVE A REASONABLE TALK WITH POOP WOMAN! Oh, my. While She’s out there, the police move in, A Stupid Young Thug grabs Her sign and runs (This is the Origin of the Legendary Stolen TraitorGate sign). When a guy from our side tries to retrieve the sign, both sides surge forward, and there is a general hoofaraw of very, very physical CROWD FIGHT. The City Police, being relatively cool, calm it right down. Mostly because we’re all reasonable, American People, on our side. You know the type. Them -- well, they’re all pooping and peeing on the Poor , Stolen, Sign within sixty seconds. Old and young, lining up to squat and pretend-poop. One adventurous fellow pretends to vomit on the sign, and then licks it up. I’m perfectly serious. Eighty-year-old great grandmothers, pretend-pooping. This is the Republican Party.
We chanted. We sang ‘America the Beautiful’ WAY BETTER THAN THEM. We jostled. We yelled. Some KFBK NaziStation Jockey on a microphone did a hip-hip hooray for the Commander that became ‘Seig Heil’ on our side. We held the line. We shocked them, I think, with our vehemence, and our numbers, and our truth. They tried hard, but the strain was telling on many of them. They were like fading pictures of people, images of a long-ago America they once saw. Characters. Cartoons. Sadness. Fear. Frustration.
The last to really keep fighting was a seventeen-year old kid holding on to a pole of the giant banner. He was yelling about the Japanese, and how we wouldn’t have fought them, just let them in and given them America. He seemed scared, panicky. Like he really believed that we wanted to let the Terrorists kill us all. Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder, they have told him.
Now That’s Irony. Greetings to the Magnificent Democratic Underground.

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iconoclastic cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 12:34 PM
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1. That was one bizarre story!
Nice. Thanks!
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 12:41 PM
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2. The residents of the SF Zoo primate center are more
socialized than that crowd. Someone needs to inform Move America Forward that we stopped knucklewalking some time ago.

I hope someone got pictures. That's just astonishing.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 01:56 PM
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3. Oh, Lord, Byronius! What a wonderful account! RECOMMENDED!
It confirms a feeling I've had for a long time now--and that is strongly supported by opinion polls over the last year, as well as by my intuitive feeling about the American people--that Bushites are the same weird, rightwing, fringe minority that we have always had with us (I remember their John Birch Society tent rallies in San Bernardino when I was a kid), but who have now been given a big trumpet by the news monopolies, way out of proportion to their numbers. The news monopolies have thus created the ILLUSION that there is some kind of rightwing surge in this nation--a surge that evaporates upon inspection, like Karl Rove's "invisible get out the vote campaign" and Cheney's mumblings about their voter registration in churches. (The truth: The Democrats blew the Bushites away in new voter registration in 2004, nearly 60/40!)

Like the Cromwellians and the Puritans before them, this lunatic fringe--that wants to impose their repressive religion on others--but, really, just wants power over others (it has nothing to do with real religion)--gains ascendancy from time to time, with thuggish tactics (loyalty oaths, enforced prayer books, brainwashing, witch-burnings, inquisitions, lynchings, and outright war), but they are so out of tune with the majority of people and their power over others is so tenuous, they soon collapse--much like the McCarthyites here, or the impulse to burn witches (stopped in Salem, never again heard from in the US of A). The vast majority of Americans are tolerant, forgiving, peaceful and kind, and just want a bit of happiness and prosperity for themselves and others. These represent the overwhelming progressive thrust of the human enterprise.

Right now, that progress seems retarded in the US--its voice, the voice of the majority, is being muffled--but it is accelerating in other parts of the world, most of which is shocked by our backward-thrust, as well they should be. But these nutcases will spin themselves out soon. There is nothing there--no real loyalty or belief--just ruthless master thieves exploiting not very bright followers (dittoheads). The pain inflicted has been great--over 100,000 Iraqis slaughtered, my God!--and I can't help but sense the pain in the people that you described. I mean, people who have sunk to such a low mentality--symbolically shitting on somebody's protest sign, over and over again--strike me as being in pain, as with people on the verge of a psychotic break. Perhaps the reality of the Bush Cartel's utter emptiness, and its betrayal of whatever ideals they may have held, is hitting home.

Hats off to the good people of America--the tolerant people, the peaceful people--who came out to witness for the truth, and to enjoy each other's company--the company of the sane! This incident is telling me that we're going to get our country back sooner rather than later.

My two favorite stats:

58% of the American people opposed the Iraq war BEFORE THE INVASION. I'll never forget that stat. Feb. '03.

63% of the American people oppose torture UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. May '04.

This is a people who stick to their sense of justice, and ethics, and lawfulness, despite relentless fearmongering; a people who are not easily scared, and not easily fooled.

The America I know and love. We're still here. We are the majority. And we WILL get our country back (as soon as we get rid of the Bushite electronic voting machines! Get busy!)
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robertarctor Donating Member (831 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 11:10 PM
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4. Yeah, those Move America Forward nazis are strange
Edited on Fri Jul-29-05 11:17 PM by robertarctor
Woulda liked to have witnessed that freakshow, but I had to work. You really captured the essence of it, though. I see those people around, and so many of them seem to be clinically insane. "Liberalism is a mental disorder"—not projecting much, are we? A simple visit to the Move America Forward website ( will confirm that they're somewhere between a red swastika flag and a white straitjacket.

As for action, Clear Channel's KFBK/KSTE stations seem to be one of the key rabble-rousers here, especially the fascist mouthpiece Mark Williams, aka Adolf Chipmunk. Because of Chear Channel's nazi cheerleading, I boycott them. I don't go to Clear Channel shows at Arco Arena or the Sleep Train Amphitheater, and I don't patronize Clear Channel's advertisers if I can help it. I'd say that every rational Sacramentan should do the same, but we each get to make up our own minds in that respect. Anyway, Clear Channel disgusts me, as does Sal Russo and Howard Kaloogian's little nazi front group.

And I love that they brought along their own "patriotic art" show. Don't they understand the purpose of art? It isn't to stiff-arm salute an evil cabal of oil-bidness fascists, that's for sure.
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robertarctor Donating Member (831 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 11:16 PM
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5. Bumping this up ...
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Silver Gaia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-31-05 12:56 AM
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6. Whew... now I wish I'd been able to be there... and take pictures...
I listened to Christine Craft and callers talking about this on Talk City (Air America affiliate, 1240AM) Friday afternoon. I think, but am not sure, Christine may have read at least a portion of your account on the air. (I seem to recognize Poop Woman.) I was appalled... and the callers fully supported your story. Wow. This is what the Republican Party has become? "Grand Old Party"... yeah. Right. Oh, how I wish we could've been there. Next time. Thanks so much for recording your experience and sharing it with us.
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BrotherBuzz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-31-05 11:52 AM
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7. Wow, just wow!
I've been out of the loop, and shamefully have missed a bunch of Christine Craft of late, so I knew nothing about this event.

Thanks for your report. Your work could be polished a bit and submitted to The Sacramento News and's that good! (hint, hint)

Thanks! :thumbsup:
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fleabert Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-31-05 05:54 PM
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8. I wish I could have stopped to help, but I did have time to
detour by y'all and honk my ass off! I was the one in the Honda, honking and waving a peace sign out the window! Y'all were awesome, sounded great on the radio!
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Ernesto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-02-05 07:38 PM
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9. Welcome aboard byronius!
Always good to hear from an obviously intelligent Sacratomatoin. I'm out in Wilton, & agree about kfbk being mush brained, nazi radio. After all they did spawn the pig-boy many years ago.
Talk to ya later!
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