the Chico Enterprise Record
August 15th, 2005 3:59 am
Peace-seekers find common cause at Camp Casey in Chico
Their question is rather simple, yet getting an answer seems almost impossible. But that doesn't matter to them: They will continue to ask and continue to camp....
...Camp Casey has begun in Chico, with about 20 people dedicated to seeking the "real" answer to the same question Sheehan has: Why?...
..."This is not a war," said Robert Trausch, a Vietnam veteran who will be camping out as long as he has to at Children's Playground downtown. "It's an invasion and an occupation. The men and women dying are dying because of false reasons," he said, "not democracy; they're dying because rich people want oil."...
...Trausch, along with many others camping out, just wants troops to start coming home. Peace is what should drive this country, not war, he said....
..."You bring peace by building infrastructures, education — not by the end of a missile," he said....