caught in spending trap
He promised cuts but approved increases after planned service reductions drew fire.
By Alexa H. Bluth -- Bee Capitol Bureau
Published 2:15 am PDT Sunday, August 14, 2005
Story appeared on Page A3 of The Bee
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger frequently attacks legislators as spending addicts. He won his office largely by criticizing former Democratic Gov. Gray Davis for leading the state into the fiscal basement. And he is pushing Proposition 76, which includes restrictions that he says are necessary to rein in government spending.
But the Republican governor also has found that slicing and dicing government spending in California is no easy task.
Each of his first two budgets increased the size of state government, the more recent one boosting spending from the state's main bank account by nearly 13 percent.
In the $117.3 billion budget he signed last month, general fund expenditures rose by more than $10 billion. The general fund - which totals $90 billion this fiscal year - is the state's main operating account and does not include special or bond funds.