and his producer Scott (Scooter) Tempesta will be on the road (they're driving!) Thursday to get there and will do a remote broadcast. All the regular features, including Rev. Shockley from Pilgrim's Church of Christ will still be on.
I'm just shocked that Clear Channel San Diego would actually
pay for such a short lead trip - even if they might only be paying for a portion of it. Apparently, the show is doing this without much in the way of promotion gimmicks from sponsors - their only sponsor looks to be The Americans for Energy Independence and possibly some local donations.
If I were KSDO ("the Bismark") management, I might be getting a tetch worried - not only from the attention KLSD is getting from Clear Channel, but that Stacy's show is beating out their morning regular local right wing show.
Used to be that only Roger the Dodger could use his political and business connections as the self proclaimed "radio Mayor of San Diego" to get a major road trip out of any station management.
It's great that Stacy and Scoot are going, but I'll miss them during morning drive time this week unless they're able to call in.
Perhaps they're going to let our own East County Bob Boudelang, Wiley P, (who might actually become some what of a regular) host a portion of the show. What with his raccoonts, fishpond sitting and all, he might be able to tell us what we need to do to get right with the Lord and the Republikants, who are the real Patrots, you know. (Read the "Things that make you go Hmmm" portion of the site. for a taste of Wiley)
Whew. They should hire me for advertising... :)
(Hey, listening to this show in the mornings really helps me get through work some days.)