There were much larger ones in Berkeley and Oakland, but the San Leandro one was closest to my house.
There were about 120 of us in all, spread out on the four corners of Dutton and Bancroft. Very nice group. Lots of cars tooted loudly for us.
Everything was great except for a few punks who thought it was fun to mock us. I wish I'd had enlistment forms. Then, finally one drunken asshole showed up. I doubt he was even a * supporter. I think he was just a drunk.
One of us had a multi-colored peace flag. He figured the asshole must've thought it was a gay flag because he made a couple of nasty comments about gays. But he basically kept calling us fucking hippies and then told us "don't fuck with Mexicans." I don't know where he got the crazy idea that the movement had anything to do with Mexicans. He was Latino, but basically he was just drunk. He ended up pushing the guy with the flag and then punching him. He must've had a ring on his finger, because he cut the man's chin enough that he oozed blood for a while. Finally, the asshole moved on.
A lady brought her three year old girl over so the man could reassure her that he was okay. Imagine, an incident in San Leandro. :)
Anyway, the organizer came over and asked what we should have done differently. I figure we should have taken him more seriously as soon as he started cussing. At that point, we should have all stood close together so he didn't have an easy target. Probably would have intimidated him, too.
Bear that in mind, folks. More's to come, I'm sure.