Beth Krom, the Mayor of Irvine, will speak at the next meeting of the Patrick Henry Democratic Club meeting, Tuesday, 8/23 at Marie Callender's, 1821 N. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705. The members generally arrive about 7 P.M. Beth will speak promptly at 7:30 P.M.
The club will also be showing a brief new video about peak oil.
The members of the Patrick Henry Democratic Club work hard and get great results. The key organizers of the California Democratic Party's progressive caucus were and are in the Patrick Henry Democratic Club. The PHDC also organized the J20, 2005 counter-coronation in Orange County. It seems to be the club to which bold Democrats gravitate. And yes, they have called for the impeachment of Bush and criminal investigations into the members of his administration. The club had 12 resolutions before the state resolutions committee in July. The club members had some great successes, including the unanimous passage, by the Party's Executive Board last month, of a resolution calling for the lowering of the voting age and for full youth participation in conventions, caucuses and other meetings and events in the Democratic Party. Their resolution calling for the extradition of Posada also passed unanimously. The Iraqi children's War Memorial resolution also passed. The club also has had other successes (resolutions calling for a paper trail and public ownership of voting software and for a legislated moratorium on the death penalty, etc.) but I want this posting to be short.
If you want to take a stand or to join an effective group that is making a difference, this is the club to join. With the PHDC so active, it won't be long before Orange County goes completely blue.