The LA Times printed an Op-Ed piece last Friday. A very good friend of mine sent me a copy of her response to the editor. If you haven't read the op-ed:,0,648828.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions Here is my friend's response:
Dear Editor:
This letter is in response to David Gelernter’s Op-Ed piece printed August 19. Mr. Gelernter’s use of the words of Abraham Lincoln are a misguided attempt to normalize the US-led invasion of Iraq, by comparing the loss of Cindy Sheehan’s son Casey to the lives lost in the United States’ Civil War. Why do people like Mr. Gelernter continue to evoke the word freedom when justifying this un-justifiable war? Neither Iraq nor Sadaam Hussein threatened our freedom. The attacks on America that happened on September 11, 2001 were conducted by renegades, mostly by Saudis, members of a terrorist organization that had no demonstrable ties to the Iraqi government or country.
The American men and women who have died in Iraq while fighting in the armed forces have indeed died for this country. They were sent to battle in Iraq by our government, and, for that reason, they died noble deaths. But let’s be realistic; they were not fighting for our freedom. America is worth dying for. But, this war is not about defending or protecting America. That Casey, and others, willingly joined the armed forces does not mean they died for our freedom. Using Lincoln’s eloquent words is just another way of assuaging America’s guilt in conducting a war that no one in the US government – not even George W. Bush – can defend.