Partisan Voter Registration As Of February, 2005: Republican: 50.28% Democratic: 27.18%
2004 Congressional Election: Cox 65.5, Graham 32.2 2002 Congressional Election: Cox 68.5, Graham 28.4
2004 National Presidential Vote: Bush 50.7, Kerry 48.3 CA-48: Bush 58.5, Kerry 40.4 District National Partisan Index: RNC +15.6 (7.8% swing to tie, 6% less than OH-02)
2000 National Presidential Vote: Gore 48.4, Bush 47.9 CA-48, 2000: Bush 57.8, Gore 39.5 District National Partisan Index: RNC +18.8
2004 California Senate Vote: Boxer 57.8, James 37.8 CA-48: James 51.4, Boxer 43.7 Partisan Index: RNC +27.7
2003 California Recall Gray Davis: Yes 55.4, No 44.6 CA-48: Yes 72.9, No: 27.1 Partisan Index: RNC +35.0
2003 Governor: Schwarzenegger 48.6, Bustamante 31.5 CA-48: Schwarzenegger 48.6, Bustamante 31.5 Partisan Index: RNC +31.8
2002 California Governor: Davis 47.3, Simon 42.4 CA-48: Simon 59.4, Davis 32.8 Partisan Index: RNC +31.5
District California Partisan Index Two Year Mean: RNC +31.5
Race / Ethnicity White, non-Hispanic: 68.0% Latino: 14.7% Asian-American: 12.8% African-American: 1.5%
Median Income: $69,663 (17th wealthiest in nation) Poverty: 6.3% Geography: Entirely within Orange County Urbanization: 99.9% urban, 106 farms
District Map Social Security Recipients: 73,662 Social Security Recipients as a percentage of voting population: 14.4%