The California Tiger Salamander is a Federally recognized endagered species found in Northern California and no where else on Earth. Scientists spent years reviewing the species' needs and determined that habitat lose was the #1 reason for the species decline they then carefully studied the amount of habitat which would need protecting if the population was to recover. The Bush administration used it's federal powers to help develpers ignore the sound science and have the amount of habitat protected slashed dramatically.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducted the scientific survey which determined that 199,000 acres of protected habitat was the minimium necissary for the population to recover to the point where it would no longer be endanger of extinction. Bush officials sided with developers and had 184,000 acres removed from the protected habitat list. That is a reduction of 99% and far, far, far below what scientist believe is necissary to prevent the species from going extinct. I can't help but feel this is another example of the Bush Administration being anti-science and pro-big business. How can they get away with only protecting 1% of what the US Fish and Wildlife Services own scientists say is the bare minimium level of protection required to conform to the Endangered Species Act? This is just crap.