...As I seem to be on their spam list. :eyes: Note "bear minimum," which is where I stopped reading because I ain't no bear. :D Traditional Values Coalition 100 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Suite 350 Anaheim, CA 92805 http://www.traditionalvalues.org
For Immediate Release September 1, 2005 Contact: Benjamin Lopez (714) 520-0300—office (909) 437-8174--Cell
California State Assembly Barely Passes Homosexual Marriage Bill in Late Night Session. Democrats Cave Into Pressure, Switch Votes to Pass Bill.
Anaheim, California—“The State Assembly has turned its back on California’s families,” said Benjamin Lopez, Lobbyist for Traditional Values Coalition (TVC). “Forty-One Democrats have taken it upon themselves to ram down the throats of Californians a twisted, out-of-step, out-of-mainstream version of marriage and family. They will surely pay for this.”
Just moments ago the California State Assembly voted 41 to 36, the bear minimum (giggle) number needed for passage, to pass Assembly Bill 849, by homosexual Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), a bill that would strike references to “male” and “female” in the marriage code and would instead add the phrase “two persons” to the definition of marriage thereby allowing two men or two women to marry.
The State Assembly vote comes nearly three months after the same chamber rejected an identical bill, Assembly Bill 19, Leno’s first attempt to legalize homosexual marriage, on June 2, 2005. The Assembly fell 4 votes short of passing AB 19 at that time. Leno then amended AB 19’s provisions into another bill that had already passed the Assembly and made its way to the Senate, AB 849, resurrecting the homosexual marriage bill. The State Senate passed AB 849 on September 1, 2005 by a vote of 21 to 15.
Four Assembly Democrats who had abstained on AB 19 during the June 2 vote switched their votes this time to put AB 849 over the top. Those Democrats were Mervyn Dymally of Compton, Gloria Negrete McLeod of Ontario, Simon Salinas of Salinas and Tom Umberg of Santa Ana.
“It is clear that Democrats are in bed with the radical homosexual community and they are not using any protection,” Lopez said. “This vote makes it clear that it is Democrats in the Legislature that are determined to get homosexual marriage enacted any way they can. It is Democrats that are pro-gay and anti-traditional family.”
“If supporters of same-sex marriage are so confident that the public supports homosexual marriage, why don’t they go to the public?” Lopez asked. “Why don’t they let the people vote on the issue? They will not! They will not do so because they would lose and they know it. So, instead they must resort to liberal legislators and rogue judges to forcibly implement same-sex marriage.”
In the March 2000 Primary Election, 61.4% of California voters passed Proposition 22, which stated: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” 101 out of 120 legislative districts voted in favor of Prop 22.
AB 849 now goes to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk for his signature or veto. Lopez stated that TVC will now focus its efforts on ensuring the Governor vetoes the bill.
“We will be relentless in conveying to the Governor that California is not in favor of blatant homosexual marriages,” Lopez added. “Governor Schwarzenegger has made statements that the courts or people should decided this issue. Well, here is his chance to veto a bill brought to him, not by the people, but by radical activists who wish to impose their idea of family on the rest of California.”
“If the Governor signs AB 849 into law, I predict he will lose his reforms at the November election as many conservatives will simply stay home in protest.” Lopez warned.
Traditional Values Coalition is an interdenominational and multi-racial public policy organization speaking on behalf of 43,000 churches nationwide and 8,300 churches in California. For further information about Traditional Values Coalition please call Benjamin Lopez at (714) 520-0300 or visit our website at www.traditionalvalues.org.