I was not trying to overestimate it, but signonsandiego.com article does say around 2000 in this article too:
http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/20050925-9999-1m25protest.htmlA few interesting notes though... The article here says "no arrests" were made, though perhaps they were speaking just of the Balboa Park site and not elsewhere. There was at least one arrest I saw and maybe another while going on the march from the Amtrak station to Balboa Park.
One guy was being handcuffed by cops along the street. Didn't see what he did to provoke his arrest (perhaps he had a can of beer? Not sure). The police weren't ruffing him up, but they were cuffing him. Some group of demonstrators were hanging back and chanting "Let Him Go" for a bit while others continued on.
Shortly after this, there was a uniformed security cop that had a video camera trained on some other guys that had a relatively large banner they were carrying that didn't seem to say anything out of the ordinary, and he must have followed them a block or so with this camera videotaping him all of the way. Didn't see him shoot video of the rest of us, but he could have been.
Some protestor next to me pointed the cop out and started making a comment about this being a sign of coming "gestapo like" activities by Homeland security, etc. as when we first saw this guy, we were wondering if he was cataloguing video of all of us for their use later. Later this same protestor said he knew that the two guys he was pointing his camera at were also in protests near the border and that this was probably a DEA guy trying to get evidence on these guys (perhaps suspected people from Mexico?). Later I saw the same guard with his camera down, and the guy next to me said that now there were "two arrests". I didn't see the cops take away the second guy, but the way they were monitoring him with video cameras, I wouldn't be surprised that they might have.
To be fair to the cops, I saw one woman police officer when we first got out of the station that was smiling at us and seemed to be voicing her approval at us too (was looking at me when I was playing "Peace Train" on my Ipod with speakers near the end of the group of us marching there. I tried to play it back in the back cars where everyone was a peace protestor, but the train security told me to shut it off saying that there "might be someone that doesn't want to listen to it". Everyone next to me laughed at my "act of civil disobediance" and noted that we could start the music up again after we got off the train.
The rally seemed really well behaved and I didn't even notice these "10 or so" counter protestors across the street.
Now the NC Times article TOTALLY distorts the truth about this rally. I wonder what pipes they were smoking when they wrote this... An equal number of pro-troop supporters my A$$! A perfect example of why we can't trust our corporate media any more. SignonSandiego.com's article above at least seemed to be mostly an accurate representation of what was going on in Balboa Park, noting only "10 or so" counterprotestors, which is a more accurate assessment that "an equal number". NC Times, since when is 10 or so equal to 2000? Need to retake your math courses I think!