Edited on Mon Oct-03-05 05:22 AM by jamesinca
78 is backed by $98,000,000 of pharmaceutical money. 79 is backed by the AARP and 149 other groups that are sympathetic to the poor and elderly.
No on 78, yes on 79.
From what I understand, if they both pass then the one with the most votes is the one that is enacted.
Nix the 6!!! Nix the 6!!! Nix the 6!!!
Vote no on the first 6 ballot measures, 73-78.
Vote yes on 79 and 80.
78 will allow the drug companies to set the price for medications where ever they want to, and to sell to the state of California at that price. In an era of budget shortfalls and rising cost of health care this will potentially drive up the cost of health insurance and force those on fixed incomes to spend even more of their income on medications and health care because the state can not keep up. But 78 will be a financial windfall for the pharmaceutical industry.
The drug companies argue that people may be denied medications here in California if Sacramento does not agree to their product or if a form is not filled out correctly. That is true, but that has always been true about the system. Non- formulary medications are denied, unless the physician can justify why. I believe (unable to support the statement)that 1/3 of prescription request are currently denied by the state. With further justification by the Physician, these medications may be allowed. As far as the paperwork goes, they will get it filled out and turned in on day one I bet. Here is why, California is the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world. It is about half of the U.S. economy, it is roughly the same sized economy as England, Japan and Germany, give or take a few billion dollars. California is 12% of the U.S. population. That paperwork assignment will not be turned over to a 19 y.o. college sophomore who is working on an internship for the summer. It will be turned over to the best people that the industry has. The backers of 78 only have one argument, unchecked capitalism. That is what they want and that is what they are pushing. These are the same people that told Canada to quite selling to Americans or they would not supply them with anymore medications.
79 does what I think Paul Wellstone once said: "We want a global economy that works not just for the large multinational corporations but works for working people, human rights, the environment and farmers. And we will fight for it, we will fight for it, we will fight for it!"