NO on Props 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,_6,_8,_and_9_and_yes_on_prop_5_on_nov._4.shtmlYES on Prop 11 10 is ALL about making T. Boone Pickens & his partner hundreds of millions on natural gas while CA tax payers have to pick up a 30 year 10 billion dollars in interest & loans. Prop 10 does NOYHING for any other alternative energy or alternative vehicles, only for natural gas vehicles which Pickens has huge natural gas investments...Pickens is simply looking to make another financial killing with his bullshit deception while CA tax payers foot the bill
"The big money crook Pickens behind the Swift Boat bastards reveals his true colors. Pickens is just rich, right-wing Republican slime of the worst kind, and this is simply more proof of it. He's been a suck-buddy to the Bush family for decades, and his oil wheeling and dealing and corporate raiding border on the criminal. He is, in short, the epitome of conservative businessmen. It's no surprise, therefore that he's welshing on a bet with Kerry."
NO on Proposition 10 of its flaws and weaknesses, Proposition 10, would be a poor use of public bond funds at a time when the state is facing a multi-billion dollar budget crisis. Prop 10 would cost the state about $10 billion over 30 years to pay off both the principal ($5 billion) and interest ($5 billion). UCS is dedicated to finding and promoting cost-effective alternatives to petroleum fuels that will reduce the pollution that causes global warming, but Prop 10 is neither a smart nor a cost-effective solution. Three quarters of the $5 billion in bond funding in Prop 10 would be dedicated to incentives with flawed or inadequate environmental criteria. Prop 10's rebates give natural gas an unfair advantage over other alternatives, while excluding or providing inadequate support for vehicle technologies that could provide much greater environmental benefits than natural gas in the long run, such as hybrid heavy duty trucks or plug-in hybrid electric passenger vehicles.
California has better and more cost-effective regulatory and legislative policy options available to reduce air pollution and global warming emissions from passenger and heavy duty vehicles. UCS urges Californians to reject Prop 10.
Read our detailed Prop 10 fact sheet online. on Proposition 7 our country's reliance from fossil fueled electricity to clean and renewable sources is one of the most effective ways to reduce global warming pollution. Combating global warming is the most significant challenge of our time. That is why it is so important to get the solutions right. Unfortunately, Proposition 7 gets it wrong and would likely set back our efforts to transition to a clean energy future.
Based on the experience of UCS experts on the design and implementation of renewable electricity standards in California and across the country, we are convinced that the serious flaws of Proposition 7—such as creating new compliance loopholes for utilities, setting counter-productive policies on energy pricing, and discouraging smaller-scale renewable projects—would prevent California from achieving our state's clean energy goals. Worse still, if Prop 7 passes, fixing the initiative's serious mistakes would require another new ballot measure or a two-thirds super-majority vote in the state legislature.
UCS strongly supports effective policies to increase renewable energy in California and is actively working towards increasing the state's renewable standards in ways that will help, not hinder new renewable energy development in the state.
Read our detailed Prop 7 fact sheet online. on Proposition 2Many confined animal feed operations (CAFOs) use crates and cages to crowd too many animals into too small an area. Raising animals in these unnatural and unhealthy environments pollutes our water and air, lowers property values in neighboring rural communities, and contributes to the overuse of antibiotics in non-sick animals that can lead to antibiotic resistance and harder-to-treat human diseases. Passing California's Prop 2 is one important step in promoting a modern approach to agriculture that is productive, more healthful, and humane.
YES on Prop 1A