I love her dearly.
Hi All,
It is personal, and political, and yes, it is about Prop 8 (and a little bit long – please indulge me). I realize am taking a risk since I have no idea how many of you might be planning to vote on this issue; but I hope that regardless of how you plan to vote that you PLEASE KEEP READING. These are my thoughts and words – not a forwarded chain of email. You are receiving this because you either vote in California, and/or know voters in California.
I imagine that you are as weary as I am of all the election hoopla; but as exhausting as all of the campaigning has become I am also increasingly scared. I realized this past weekend that my helplessness and anger are growing every time I see one of the happy little yellow “Yes on 8” signs, and I can’t simply donate money and feel fine about my effort.
I find myself with strange company when it comes to my No on 8 position. Republican Jerry Sanders (Mayor of San Diego) has urged folks to vote no, and more shockingly the Orange County Register, likely the most conservative newspaper in the state, also has a NO position on this proposition: “In an ideal world, the state have little or no role in defining or regulating so intimate a relationship as marriage. However, the state has inserted itself into all too many aspects of out private lives. Given that it has done so, it is only fair that it afford equal protection to all who choose to make loving lifelong commitments to one another. We recommend a “no” vote on Prop. 8.”
A yes vote for Proposition 8 amends the state constitution to exclude same-sex couple from marrying. I wonder if the yes on 8 contingent believe that this would somehow stop same sex couples from sharing their lives, or making commitments, or buying property, or having children, which of course it will not. Prop 8 only steals from them rights afforded to every other married couple. Domestic partnership is not equal. Civil union is not equal.
History has already proven that the world does not degrade into chaos when same sex marriage is legalized. Massachusetts has afforded this right since 2003 and life has not changed for the citizens of the commonwealth, with the exception of those who can now marry. Many countries around the world provide the legal right of same sex marriage, including Spain, a country with Catholicism as its primary religion. South Africa, a country who operated under the system of apartheid (separation of the races) until 1994, legalized same sex marriage in 2006!
The United States prides itself on being the land of the free and home of the brave… are we fearless enough to extend marriage to all? California is not radical on this issue, we are behind.
The Yes on 8 campaign is running advertisements that are misleading at best, and down right lies at worst. And they know it. They want you to be afraid and uneducated on this issue. Challenge yourself to learn more:
http://www.NoOnProp8.comIf you feel like this is a matter of religion and what the bible says, know that many established, traditional, Christian churches have searched the scripture and their hearts on this issue and DO support same sex marriage. I would also urge you to watch the documentary “For the Bible Tells Me So”:
http://www.forthebibletellsmeso.org/indexa.htmIf you plan to Vote Yes on 8, I would only ask that before casting your ballot you know the facts, and search your conscience for your reasons about what you are attempting to outlaw.
If you plan to vote No on 8, I challenge you to send out your own letter to any one and everyone – whether or not you know how they might be voting. If you want to use any of my words, feel free.
I hope to wake up on November 5th into a state that has affirmed dignity, respect, and legal protection for all. If I do not, I need to know that I have done all I could preserve marriage equality.
This issue is too critical, and the time is short…