I noticed it nailed to a telephone pole, pretty high up, directly across from my kid's high school.
It read : "STOP Government Sanctioned Sodomy. Vote Yes on Prop 8!"
:grr: I was incredibly offended and upset, so I called our local police and complained about it immediately, as I was driving my son home. The woman who answered wasn't certain if it's technically illegal, but she said she'd have a police officer follow up with me, so she took my name and number.
The officer called me back and said he'd seen the sign and it IS illegal, due to its height and being on the pole, there are certain city codes, blah, blah, blah.... He understood that I was offended by it, but the reason it's coming down has nothing to do with that. He's going to call the Public Works Dept and it should be down within the next 24 hrs. When he said that, I told him, "Hell, I could come pull it down right now!" But he said the thing was made of wood and SCREWED into the telephone pole, pretty high up, so clearly whoever put it together and mounted it up there put a lot of energy into it. :grr:
I'm just glad it's coming down and I had something to do with it. Don't know if anyone else complained about it, but I'm glad I said something cuz that shit infuriates me. :grr: