A co-worker of mine from Riverside County received a flier in the mail from the following organization:
http://www.californiademocraticvoterguide.comIt is titled with big white lettering on a red background: "CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATIC VOTER GUIDE", with a picture of Barack Obama and Gwendolyn Cross (Eastern Municipal Water Board #3, who is listed as the "National Political Consultant, CEO" on the site) on the front.
Their recommendations under the STATE WIDE PROP MEASURE banner:
YES on 1A
YES on 2
YES on 3
NO on 4
NO on 5
NO on 6
NO on 7
YES on 8
YES on 9
YES on 10
YES on 11
YES on 12
Notice the problems? These are NOT the California Democratic party positions on Props 5, 8, 10, and 11!!! At the bottom of the guide in fine print is the following statement:
"This document was prepared by california democratic voter guide not an official political party organization."
How could a Democrat attempt to intentionally deceive voters into thinking that these are the Democratic Party positions in good conscience? After I left an extremely angry message with them, I realized perhaps it might be a good idea to bring this to light. Note their email and phone number are listed under "Contact Us" on their site:
http://www.californiademocraticvoterguide.com/contactus.htmlAm I the only one who finds attempting to deceive voters about the Democratic Party's positions infuriating, bordering on despicable?