I was walking back from a small Obama function and there were Yes on 8 people on all four corners of the street. They saw my Obama garb - two of them sneered at me, one said "oh she probably won't vote yes" and then one elderly woman gave me a rude look (probably because I had seen her the other day as well and she smiled at me then when I wasn't wearing Obama stuff). When I crossed the street, one said "Obama is all for Prop 8" and he had a sign that said "all candidates support traditional marriage" with all four pictures on it. I just replied that actually Obama/Biden don't support Prop 8 and that the sign is misleading. He just said "oh, well vote for it anyway." I said "I don't think so" and continued walking so as to not get angry.
Unfortunately, many cars were honking their support. And unfortunately, as I have noted before, there is no reason to think Prop 8 will lose considering less than half of the state is registered Democratic (though this may have gone up this year), many of those will vote yes on 8, and others won't vote on that measure. However, the religious zealots will be out in droves just like in 2000 with Prop 22 and they have been pretty successful so far with their fear campaign ("vote yes on 8 or your five year old will be told to be gay").