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Why I'm glad Prop 11 passed.

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Oerdin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-06-08 07:18 AM
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Why I'm glad Prop 11 passed.
Nation wide last Tuesday's election was an unprecedented landslide. In state after state Republicans were defeated and even moderate Democrats lost in primaries to Democrats who took a further to the left stand on issues like the war, health care, and the economy. Yet in California, for the third straight election in a row, not a single incumbent of either party lost an election. Even with a 25 point shift to the left Republican districts were so gerrymandered that not a single Republican who ran for reelection lost the election. That's how extreme the districts have been gerrymandered. For all intents and purposes there is no functioning democracy when incumbents have rigged the game to such an extent.

I know that some of you felt that Prop 11 was anti Democrat but that simply is not true. What prop 11 was was anti-incumbent and as a result of it passing we will now have a much more competitive democracy lots of new faces with new ideas coming to the forefront. Some people are afraid that Democrats will lose seats as a result of districts being ungerrymandered but I reject this as well. Over the long run the people who will win in California during the new era will be the side with the best ideas and the best grass roots organization. Democrats can and will do very well in this type of environment; yes, elections will no longer be a sure thing where the out come is predetermined months in advance but once again that is a good thing. We can compete and win and we will compete and win.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-06-08 09:40 AM
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1. I had mixed feelings, but I voted for it.
It needs to be much easier to dump an unresponsive legislator. The object of re-districting is not to make elections predictable or incumbents safe. Now we will see if it affects things or not.
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NuttyFluffers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-06-08 10:46 AM
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2. as long as i keep my barbara lee, i can relax...
but if i lose my barbara lee to some republican hand picked bullshit of a commission i'm going to be the first person hunting you down and throwing my shoe at. i love me my barbara lee, and don't take kindly to thoughts of losing her.
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-06-08 11:52 AM
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3. You just better make DAMN sure the "independent" reps are from the Greens and not the Libertarians..
... or other right wing "independent" parties, or you WILL have Republican control over the redistricting process in a state where they are a minority. I still think the prop stinks. I'm glad I don't have to stay here to endure the results of it later.
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