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The GOP good 'ol days....... (Chandra Levy)

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Ernesto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-22-09 10:34 PM
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The GOP good 'ol days....... (Chandra Levy)
Edited on Sun Feb-22-09 10:44 PM by Ernesto
Modesto Congressman Gary Condit's political career was ended by these assholes when their "mojo" was working.
Anybody remember a certain chunk of fecal matter call Joe Scarborough whose female intern was found DEAD in his office? Then Bush/Cheney/Delay were calling the shots, so NO ONE (in MSM) noticed a thing.

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The Hope Mobile Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-23-09 06:29 PM
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1. Couldn't his career just have been ruined already because he was having an affair?
In those days an affair was not OK. As far as I'm concerned, its still not . . . I'm not saying Clinton's impeachment was the right thing to do (definitely believe it was their personal business) but people were extra sensitive to that kind of thing then. The situation did look plenty suspicious and if it had been a repub I would've been just as interested . . . and, yes, I understand the double standard in the media and it pisses me off.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-04-09 03:56 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. In those days? That was less than ten years ago.
And if anything, the religious fascists have made having an affair a worse offense today.

You may be too young to know this but politicians had affairs and nobody paid very much attention to it until Raygun enabled the ChristoFascists into power in this country.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 04:33 PM
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2. Condit was the "Blue Dog" darlling of the Bush White House, who voted FOR Bush/Cheney's
first tax cut for the rich, on 5/3/01, two days after Chandra Levy's disappearance, and his other claim to fame is proposing a bill to post the Ten Commandments in all public buildings (just before his trail of mistresses became known). He was the leader of the "Blue Dog" (traitor) Democrats. The first Bush/Cheney tax cut for the rich was a very close and controversial vote, in which only ten Democrats voted for it. He is no loss to the Democratic Party, if, by the Democratic Party, you mean workers, the poor and the middle class--the majority of the country.

What I think is interesting about that whole Condit scandal is that he met with Dick Cheney on the very day Chandra Levy disappeared (5/1/01), during the very hours of her disappearance (revised by the FBI/DC police in late summer '01 to approximately 12:00 noon to 3:00). Condit met with Cheney at 12:00 that day. Also, no one--not the FBI, not the DC police, nor any member of the corpo/fascist 'news' monopolies--ever asked Cheney or his aides about that meeting (though it became public knowledge in June '01, when Condit released his schedule for Levy's disappearance day, 5/1/01)--not even to verify that the meeting took place. Late in the summer, Cheney aides planted a story in Newsweek giving Cheney's version of the meeting (only twenty minutes long, routine political meeting, two aides present, nothing untoward) and stated that neither they nor Cheney had ever been asked about it, by anyone.

There was a lot going on that summer that would change U.S. history forever, including Donald Rumsfeld pulling all NORAD decisions into his own hands, in June '01, Cheney's secret energy meetings (mapping/dibbying up of Iraqi oil fields) in spring '01, warnings to Bush Jr. that "Osbama bin Laden" was "determined to strike in the United States"--ignored--a big headline House investigation of the FBI for murky reasons, with Gary Condit a member of the House Intelligence Committee (privy to many secrets), John O'Neil (Al Qaeda Yemen money trail investigator) was drummed out of the FBI for no good reason (and took a job as a private security consultant for the WTC and died there on 9/11), apparent Islamic jihadists were running loose all over the country taking flight lessons and getting lapdances, and Colleen Rowley was getting denied a routine FISA warrant to open Zacharias Moussoui's computer (where she would have found--surprise, surprise--the name and email password of Nicholas Berg, who was later famously, allegedly beheaded on video in May 2004, probably to distract people from the Abu Ghraib torture photos, some of which had just been made public).

Busy, busy summer for fascists, global corporate predators, war profiteers and the secret government, who were all about to make the biggest killing from taxpayers possibly in the history of organized government. LOTS AND LOTS of get-humongously-obscenely-rich schemes were laid down that summer, while the U.S. preoccupied itself with the seamier aspects of Gary Condit's affairs. Chandra Levy's disappearance could be connected to some of it, in ways we don't yet know. The FBI connection interests me--along with the Cheney meeting with Condit, of course. Levy wanted Condit to get her a job with FBI apparently so that she could stay in DC, he could divorce his estranged wife and marry her, and she could live out her DC dreams. (She was a temporary U.S. Bureau of Prisons intern that summer, whose internship was mysteriously cut short, two weeks before she disappeared.)

Eight years later, the Dept. of Justice has indicted a lowly El Salvadoran immigrant for Levy's murder. My guess is that he is a patsy, and somebody is "cleaning up" after somebody. I think there is a deeper story here, and it is NOT how the Bushwhacks ruined the career of a good Democrat. Condit wasn't a good Democrat. He was their tool.
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mackerel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-04-09 12:40 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. His nickname was Gary Condom and he was well
known for sleeping with his aids, even back in his state assembly days. I don't feel bad for him at all. He was not honest and forthright during the investigation and it was his downfall. Too bad it took so long for the Levy family to get the answers they needed from Condit and get the investigation on the right track.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-04-09 03:53 AM
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4. Karma If he wasn't a POS in the first place, he and his poor family
would never have been caught up in that mess.

But, I do remember the right wing nutcases going at it day in and out just before 9/11.
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