Valley moms are on fire over the conditions and funding of public schools and one of the people igniting the fire is Van Nuys mom Sandra Tsing Loh. She is the originator of a grass roots organization, made up of activist moms who are passionate in their support of public education. As Tsing Loh, whose two daughters attend Valley LAUSD schools, expresses it, "Public Schools are America. Public Schools are our future. Public Schools are our kids."
Author, performance artist and National Public Radio commentator Tsing Loh's involvement grew out of her experience at her local school. She had been an active parent, writing a grant that acquired 35 violins for the school and then raising funds to pay for a music teacher. But frustration with LAUSD's yearly budget crisis finally pushed Tsing Loh from active school mom to political activist.
Last June she helped organize a march on Sacramento, made up of moms and children, to put pressure on the legislature. Tsing Loh is famous for her wickedly humorous observations on everything from being a Valley mom to the latest scientific discovery. So it's no surprise that this was a most unusual political rally. Over 100 people camped out. There were cook outs, a giant elephant that came up from L.A. in a 25 foot rented truck, a kid's kazoo army, and auto harpers from California Autoharp Festival. People sang traditional songs and snickerdoodles were sold for $500 a snickerdoodle, "To pay for the future. It was street theater, a Woodstocky thing. Not Woodstock but Kids stock, not a regular rally but a soccer mom's "Burning Man." That kind of stuck, 'a soccer mom's Burning Man' became Burning Mom," Tsing Loh said.
Tsing Loh points to Proposition 13, which she describes as "the third rail of politics" in California as the culprit in the under funding of the public school system. On a per student basis, California is 48th nationally in spending on public schools, Tsing Loh contends.
Sandra Tsing Loh is one of my favorite comedians. I'm glad to see she is working to improve public education